About: Episode Chapters

These chapters will typically be about whatever character I have in the title. This will also usually be in their POV the whole time, only ever switching to 3rd POV sometimes.

This will tell their story from before and during/after they meet the main character Jin. Their life before, typically from childhood to where they are in the story now. The point of these kinds of chapters is to understand the character's own thoughts and feelings about what's happening to them and give them more life and character development.

I want to show you that they're still their own persons even when they're part of Jin's harem, their thoughts, feelings, and motivations will also be shown in these chapters.

I don't have a set word count for these chapters, they could be the typical 10k and up or below, depending on what i come up with.

I will obviously take the liberty of adding my own custom content since there's some blanks from the light novel to make it more interesting and add to their character.