Volume 3 - After Thoughts

So we're here again, huh? I officially reached 700k words with the last two chapters in Volume 3, with that...we're 300k words away from 1 million...honestly, that sounds wild to me. When I first started this 3 months back, I would have never imagined it to go on this long.

Truthfully I've had thoughts of just deleting this fanfic when I wrote out all three current volumes. But I threw those thoughts aside and powered through.

So, to anyone still reading this fanfiction/ novel thing. Thank you, like seriously. It means a lot. As per usual, if anyone has any ideas for Volume 4 names...put them down. If not i have a vague idea of it.

Now then, what are the plans? first, the Light Novel Volumes that will be covered for Volume 4.

Volume 4 will cover:

Volume 6 - Holy Behind the Gymnasium

Volume 7 - Ragnarok After School

Volume 8 - The Work of a Devil

Volume 9 - Pandemonium at the School Trip

Volume 10 - Lion Heart of the School Festival

This will also include my own little original plot that I have going into this novel. I have been thinking about it, and I'm definitely will be expanding on the Norse Mythology, I did not feel satisfied with leaving it at that. There will be other locations in it, not just Asgard...as for names...well I need to research for a bit.

The other (one) or MAYBE TWO other mythologies I will take on and expand are: Shinto Gods and Egyptian Gods...But I may just pick one, but if you guys want both...then I will need to extend my little break since I need to plan out even more stuff.

Of course, I'll touch up on other plot points I've mentioned throughout the novel. Now...for how long I'll be gone this time, I originally planned 2 weeks, but since I'm also a bit tired with IRL things and writing this, it's taken a lot of my time, I had zero time to take a break.

Now, some spoilers for Volume 4.

I will reveal a bit more about Jin's past life and he will...remember his name. I gave some hints about it, if you figure it out, great! anyway, Jin will keep moving forward, especially in Volume 4. I will make the reveal a bit dramatic....since it'll happen during Jin and Sairorag's rematch.

Since it'll showcase his Queen Form...

Maybe I said too much? anyway, goodbye for now, and thank you for the support so far!