Slavic Pantheon

Prawia - Realm


Chief God - Perun (God of Thunder)

Goddess - Mokosh (Perun 1st Wife)

Goddess - Dodola (Perun 2nd Wife)

Goddess - Lada (Goddess of Love)

Goddess - Zorya (Personification of Dawn)

God - Belobog (God of Light)

God - Chernobog (God of Darkness)

God - Dazhbog (God of the Sun, Fire, Heat, Warmth, Light, and Weather)

God - Svarog (God of Blacksmithing)

God - Stribog (God of Wind)

God - Veles (God of Earth, Water and Livestock)

God - Yarilo (Son of Perun)


Menyev - Town


Evelina (Leader)

Siyanko Vikentiy Yermolayevich


Sustroma - Town


Anisimov Vikentiy Yermolayevich (Mayor)


Novorossitity (Ice Elves Village)


Naumenko (Ice Elves Elder)

Isayeva (Ice Elf Mage)



Ollopa (Servant of Dazhbog)

Mazen (Ice Serpant Dragon)

Shabunina (Zimadevushka)




Main City

Inside the Ice structure (Main City)


Novorossitity (Ice Elves Village)

Deep Caves of Ice Elves


Zimadevushka Dimension