"You can tell because the bones are almost pulverized."
The goblin arm the appraiser picked up hung like a sobbing mollusk.
"If you catch them like that, their value goes down many times. Next time, it's better if you just aim for her vital point.
He spoke in a harsh tone that was rude to the customer, but his words themselves were good advice based on experience.
The appraiser finished twice as fast as the others, and he gave the goblin his assessment.
"For this corpse, I cannot offer you more than 3.2 million won."
That was a low price, only 200,000 won above the minimum price.
But Jinhyuk accepted the result without hesitation.
This is understandable because of the damaged intestines, unusable bones caused by severe fractures, and others.
All the points the appraiser raised were reasonable.
"I'll sell it at that price," he said.
"Good, all you have to do is tell me where you caught this monster and I will confirm and deposit it for you."
"W-where did I catch the monster? Do I really have to tell you?"
"I know it's a bit inconvenient, but that's the law, so you have to comply."
Kang Jinhyuk is in a dilemma because he can't just say that he caught the goblin in the dungeon.
Should I say that I caught him in the Olympic Park?
It's a reasonable excuse to say that a monster escaped while the Titans were careless.
However, he could not put this idea into practice.
Turning his head in the direction of the crowd, he saw a group of hunters entering the store.
"What's that?"
Since they were wearing a similar design to the Titans' uniform, it was clear that they were hunters from a guild.
At the sight of these hunters, the appraiser slapped his forehead and sighed.
"I see you have come."
Looking at the appraiser's reaction and the hard expression on the hunters' faces, it seemed that they had never come here for a good reason.
And that assumption was entirely correct.
A hunter hopped forward, right next to Jinhyhuk.
Before he could even ask the reason for Jinhyuk's presence, the hunter grabbed him by the back.
"Is it you?"
"Are you the one who caught a monster in our hunting ground?"
Kang Jinhyuk was confused and couldn't give a proper answer.
He was about to say that he had caught this monster in the Titans' territory,
He felt as if he had been hit in the head.
Fortunately, the appraiser defended Jinhyuk, who still couldn't open his mouth.
"He's not the guy you're looking for."
"Then which one is it?
"It's the blond guy chattering away over there."
A man who was laughing and shaking, not noticing that the store had become noisy, was seen in the direction the surveyor was pointing.
The man who was holding Kang Jinhyuk's neck immediately let go and walked toward the blond.
He then punched the man on the shoulder and turned him to face him.
The blond was hit in the face by a flying fist and fainted.
He couldn't even get up because another man had kicked him.
"Ahk! Cough!"
Seeing the attack, the colleague who was talking to the blond suddenly approached.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Shut up if you don't want to die."
The blond man's colleague was about to pounce on him.
However, the guild members approached much faster than him.
"This man has been hunting monsters in our guild territory without permission."
"If you don't want to end up like him, then stay in your territory."
As the guild hunters spoke with their fierce eyes, the blond man's colleague took a step back.
The attack scene in the store ended only when the beaten man could barely catch his breath.
They stopped hitting him when they saw that if they hit him again, he might die.
Because of this cruel event, he can't just open his mouth.
The hunter grabbed the blond by his hair and forced him to lift his face.
"Hey, have you been prowling around our territory? Maybe you're out to kill us?"
"W-what kind of bullshit is that..."
The blond tried to say that the hunter was wrong, but the hunter hit his head before he could say anything.
"You could have been the crazy killer currently running around. Let's go on patrol and do some investigating. Sound good?"
The hunter asked the blond man, who couldn't even speak anymore since he had already passed out.
Then they finally left the store, leaving the blond man who couldn't even speak properly anymore.
After the hunters of the guild left, a sigh of relief broke out throughout the store.
The appraiser, who had witnessed the whole scene, clicked his tongue.
"They just steal the money and leave quietly. They even go after ridiculous things like this."
The appraiser gave Jinhyuk some advice.
"If you don't want to end up like that man, you shouldn't even think about hunting in the territory of those guilds."
Kang Jinhyuk was speechless.