The Man I Slept With Was...

Camille watched in utter bafflement as her elder brother laughed until tiny drops of tears slid from the corner of his eyes.

Wiping them away in one swift move, the man who had been chuckling stopped and regained his former composure.

The rapid pace at which his expressions shifted caused her to marvel at how talented he was but did not have the time to admire his self-control any further when she saw his eyes narrowing once again.

"You want me to believe that ridiculous story?" He snorted out loud, emphasizing his disbelief towards what she had revealed just earlier.

His eyes were fixed on his sister lying in bed as he shook his head in disappointment.

"If you do not want to share what happened then just say so." He sighed while advising her and his words implied that he was not convinced by her story one bit.

However, what Camille had mentioned was a truthful recollection of what the original soul of this body had encountered in the past.

Therefore, she was stunned to find that he did not trust her words and had gone as far as to shoot her that stern gaze which was filled with disappointment.

She had not even gotten the chance to correct the part which he speculated wrongly yet here she was, listening to his sighs which were only getting louder.

This made her frown and she tried to sit up which resulted in her brother, helping her in the very next second.

Though he was disappointed that she was lying to him to keep someone safe, he could not let her struggle by herself.

Therefore, the moment he saw what she was up to, his body moved on instinct and he wordlessly supported her until she was steady.

Once she was comfortable, Camille shot him a grateful smile which retracted soon enough as she had a lot to say to him.

Noticing the heavy atmosphere that now filled the hospital room, the elder brother also maintained his silence while waiting for her to speak up first.

"I did say that I had a one-night stand but when did I ever mention a stranger?" Camille interrogated with a deep-set frown apparent on her face.

This question startled the brother as she had indeed never once used the word 'stranger' during her earlier confession of what had taken place.

Thanks to her reminder, he realized that he had jumped to conclusions but once again wasn't willing to accept her side of the story.

His sister had always been the innocent little girl in his sight so he wasn't ready to believe that she had grown to the age where one-night stands were common for her.

However, her resolute tone and the firm voice were now making him give in and believe everything she was saying.

Observing the fluctuation in his expressions, Camille carefully moved forward while keeping an eye on him to ensure that her words weren't too much for him to take.

"Brother, the man I slept with was someone I've known for many years." She disclosed more information to help him understand the situation she was in right now.

In the next second, she glanced down at her belly which would bloat up soon enough and muttered another sentence.

Her voice was so low that if someone was even a few steps away from her, they would not have been able to catch what she had just said.

However, her brother was seated right next to her so every word she uttered was clear as day to him.

"Though I doubt he even knows of my existence."

These were the words she had mumbled before looking up at him once again.

This statement shocked the brother at first but thinking of his sister's introverted and reclusive personality, he could understand why she felt that way.

"Can you tell me who it is?" He softened his tone to help him gain some answers.

Sadly, all he received was a shake of her head before she flashed him a helpless smile.

"All I can say is that what happened that night was consensual." She asserted her stance in this matter and would not allow anyone else to say otherwise.

The memories she had received many minutes ago helped her witness everything that had taken place which was the basis for this confident declaration she had made.

"He was someone I admired and when I got the chance to get close to him, I took it." She confessed before looking away to avoid her brother's widened eyes.

This was also true as the former Camille had grasped the opportunity to spend the night with the male lead though that man knew nothing about her and her feelings for him.

'Poor Camille…' She sighed while recalling the pure bliss this body had felt when she was with him on that night.

The original Camille was someone who had admired the male lead from a very young age but refused to let him know of these feelings due to her own self-doubt and low self-esteem.

Therefore, she had concealed her feelings while watching him from the sidelines all along.

So when she accidentally came across the man she had liked for a long time, she overcame her personal hurdles and for once, was brave enough to make the first move which resulted in them spending the night together.

As she had revealed earlier, the two had consensual sex though she doubted whether he even knew who she was or remembered what she looked like.

That night had gone by in a lustful and drunken daze, and she wondered if he recalled any aspect of what had taken place between them back then.

After waking up the next morning, the former Camille left before he regained his senses and henceforth had stayed far away from him.

She had been selfish that night so she did not wish to face him, worried that he would dislike her for what had transpired between them.

She was satisfied that she had gotten the chance to get so close to the man of her dreams that their breaths had mingled into one.

This much was sufficient for her and she decided to not be greedy for more.

Though it seemed that luck wasn't on her side as a few weeks after spending the night with him, she learned that she had gotten pregnant with his child.

However, she had kept things a secret from everyone because she knew that her family would react just as her elder brother had done this evening.

They would have stopped at nothing to learn who the father of her child was and in the process, cause him a mountain-load of troubles which was the last thing she wanted.

For these reasons, she had concealed the news of her pregnancy from her family despite knowing that they would be worried for her sake.

'This lady really liked the male lead…' Camille sighed in defeat when she recalled the reasoning behind the actions taken by the former owner of this body.