Time To Leave The Hospital

"Young Miss, it's Dorian." The new man with thick black spectacles corrected the woman who had just walked out of the bathroom connected to the hospital room.

Each time he met his boss's younger sister, he had to correct her but she continued to remain stubborn and refused to use the right name each time.

His name was Dorian Delacruz and he had been serving his boss, Christopher Lin, for the past nine years.

Despite the long years, he had stayed with his boss, this little miss whom he often met due to various reasons butchered his name.

He was almost certain that she was doing it out of spite, to gain revenge against his boss who had ruined her beautiful name, Camille, and had changed it to Chansey from the moment of her birth.

'But how is that my fault!' He cried out in his heart as he was the most innocent of them all.

Since she could not mess with her brother's boring name, she had used him instead, turning the regal name of Dorian into Dory, the amnesiac fish who could not even remember who she was.

Despite knowing why she did so, he had always corrected her name in hopes of freeing himself from this loop of petty revenge.

Sadly, it was all in vain as the young woman continued to call him Dory each time she met him.

Therefore, as always, this time too he could only grumble inwardly while correcting her.

However, how could he succeed when she was using the wrong name on purpose?

As Camille watched the inner turmoil and partial anguish on the tall assistant's face, she felt sorry for him but had no choice other than to keep up with what she was doing.

After all, the former Camille teased him with that name from the very first time they met so changing it abruptly would cause doubts and suspicions in their minds.

Therefore, she had used the same name as the original owner of this body to make sure that no one noticed any discrepancy in her behavior.

Hearing him correct her, Camille imitated the reaction the original owner often had without skipping a beat.

The elder brother, Christopher Lin, chuckled when he saw her rolling her eyes and nodding half-heartedly to appease the assistant while the victim himself could only sulk in silence.

Dorian was already used to seeing this lazy and insincere response from his boss's sister so he did not take it too seriously as he was sure that she would repeat it when they met the next time.

Unfortunately for him, he was right as Camille intended to maintain the status quo in order to avoid gaining their suspicions that she was not the one they had known and loved until now.

"Alright, let's head out now." Elder brother Christopher Lin announced when he noticed the stagnant air around them.

His sister teasing Dorian who sulked and made faces was a normalized event to the elder brother so he did not think much about it.

Instead, he was quite fed up with this scene as it had occurred far too many times now so he decided to speed things up by reminding them that they had to leave soon.

As soon as his words came to an end, Camille and Assistant Dorian snapped out of their thoughts before nodding towards the oldest man in the room.

Gaining positive responses from them, Christopher stepped closer and extended his hand toward the young woman who placed her hand in his palm without a moment's thought.

This sight made the elder brother smile and he glanced at his assistant before turning around to walk out of the hospital room with his sister by his side.

Receiving the wordless command from his boss, Assistant Dorian picked up everything that was placed on the table before rushing to keep up with the two who had already left the room.

Camille's medical files, the medicines which the doctor had prescribed for her earlier, and a few other documents that belonged to his boss were currently in his hands as he followed the siblings ahead of him.

Earlier, while she was still in the bathroom, the assistant had completed all formalities needed for her discharge and paid the bill for her room, and the treatment she had received in this hospital.

Therefore, this small group of three did not have to stop anywhere along the way but directly strode out of the hospital without looking back.

As Camille walked next to her brother who now had his arm around her shoulder to guard her against any passerby, she glanced sideways to look at the man whose protectiveness was evident in every step he took.

This made her smile as she had not experienced such a feeling of being guarded by someone else in her previous life.

She had to be careful and vigilant to ensure that she was safe but now, there was someone who did all these things before she could even ask for it.

This realization warmed her heart and a genuine smile formed on her face as she retracted her gaze to watch her step.

She now had a child growing within her so she needed to be careful as that was her responsibility towards the life she would be bringing into this world.

Therefore, she lowered her head and was watchful towards where she stepped to ensure that no harm came to the child.

By the time the three reached the entrance of the hospital which led them outside, the assistant who had been walking behind them hurried ahead.

When Camille raised her head, she found a car waiting on the road in front of them and this was where Assistant Dorian had rushed toward.

She then watched as he held the door open for her before walking to the other side, doing the same for his boss as well.

However, Christopher first helped his sister get into the backseat of the car, and only after making sure that she was fine did he enter from the other side.

Meanwhile, the assistant chose to occupy the front passenger seat next to the driver who had been waiting for them until now.

"I'm glad the Miss is safe." The driver expressed his happiness when he saw her looking fine as she sat in the backseat.

Camille smiled then briefly mentioned that she was much better now and even thanked him for his concern.

From the memories she had obtained, she knew that this middle-aged man was an old employee of the Lin family and had been working for her elder brother for a while now.

Therefore, she recalled the attitude the previous owner of this body had towards the driver and spoke to him in the same manner.

'Camille was a kind child.' She praised the former Camille and smiled while looking out of the window as the car began to move away from the hospital premises.

Though she found it odd to call the previous owner by her name, she knew that she had to get used to talking this way.

This complicated circumstance she found herself in would not be easy to deal with.

After all, she and the original owner of this body were not the same person.

They might have the same name but their personalities were distinct.

Therefore, it would take her some time to assimilate herself into this body and adjust to her new surroundings yet she was confident in attaining this goal soon enough.