Another Disproved Theory

Lance's theory that the woman they had seen earlier could have been President Lin's younger half-sister was still more plausible than Boston's unfounded hypothesis.

However, there was something he wished to verify so he turned toward his friend with a serious look in his eyes.

"If your sister was pregnant, would you accompany her to her doctor's appointment?" He questioned Boston without hesitation, causing the other person to choke on thin air.

The one who had been asked this ridiculous question, glared at Lance as though he was about to tear him apart.

"What are you talking about!?" Boston roared, once again earning a stern gaze from their silent friend who had not been a part of this conversation until now.

Jacob's single glance was sufficient to silence Boston but this did not affect Lance who was alternating his gaze between his two friends.

"What?" He muttered as though he did not know what he had said wrong to have gained such a strong and unwarranted reaction from Boston.

The other two men felt a headache arising upon finding that clueless look on his face, making them wonder if there was something wrong with his brain.

"His sister is six." Jacob scowled at Lance for asking something inappropriate when the other party was just a little child.

Boston was just about to thank his good friend for standing up for him but froze when he heard what Jacob had just said.

"Eight…" He mumbled the correct age before shaking his head as it was his fault for expecting too much from Jacob in the first place.

'I should just be glad that he knows I have a sister.' Boston added as he rolled his eyes before turning his gaze back to Lance.

Though he could not bear to see that ignorant look on his friend's face, he could understand why he was asked that absurd question out of nowhere.

After all, this little sister they were talking about wasn't his sibling but was his half-sister.

The moment he had turned eighteen, his parents divorced and his mother married someone else.

She even gave birth to a girl a year and a half later, making Boston an elder brother after he had become a full-fledged adult.

Since the decision of divorce between his parents was a mutual one, he did not care who his mother married and why she did so.

However, he did not follow her, choosing to stay with his father as this was only right because she had already formed a new family of her own.

At the same time, he wasn't alienated from her but remained in touch with her and the half-sister he now had.

Though they weren't close enough to treat each other as good siblings due to various reasons, Boston did buy her presents and take her out on special occasions as an elder brother should.

Therefore, he could understand why Lance had brought up the matter of his little sister out of nowhere.

"My parents divorced before Mother remarried and my sister isn't an illegitimate child." He pointed out the differences in his and Christopher Lin's circumstances.

If the rumors about the Lin family were true then the second child was from another woman while the Head of their family was still married to his wife.

This would make their relationship complicated as no one would feel pleasant after learning that their mother was cheated on.

So why would President Lin go out of his way to accompany the woman whose very existence was hurtful to his mother?

Therefore, Lance's theory that the woman was Christopher Lin's sister was also shaky now that they were thinking of all the aspects surrounding it.

"Hmm…" Gaining such logical justifications, Lance was left speechless as he had no other theory to fall back on.

Once even this theory was discredited, silence returned to the hospital room that had been engaging in animated debates until a few moments ago.

Jacob scanned the room and shook his head at his friends who were wasting too much time on useless matters.

As long as that woman wasn't the same person who kept appearing in his memories, he had no reason to be interested in her.

Therefore, he only sneered at his gossip-mongering friends who could get into lengthy debates about topics that weren't related to them in any way possible.

On the other hand, Boston was still annoyed that he was asked such an absurd question earlier.

'She's still a child and this fool…' He glowered and glared at his friend for bringing up this thoughtless topic.

"What exactly was that woman's name again?" Lance spoke up after his brief pause, unaware of the varying thoughts in their minds.

Though his theory of President Lin's companion being his half-sister was disproved, his mind had lingered on this topic for a while longer.

His question brought their attention back to him and no matter what their inner thoughts were, they could not deny that they too were curious to know more about this matter.

After all, the second child of the Lin family was an enigma to many and it was human tendency to be intrigued by what was unknown to them.

"I think I've heard the name somewhere…" Boston mumbled as he tried to recall when and where he had heard mentioning the name of the Lin family's daughter.

Jacob and Lance too turned to face him and waited to hear the results of his attempt.

Thanks to their attention being fixed on the man leaning against the wall, they had missed the pair of bloodshot eyes that were now staring at the ceiling.

The figure lying still on the hospital bed had regained consciousness during the heating brainstorming session that had been taking place so close to him.

His entire body felt feeble and his mind was frayed after the numerous bottles of alcohol he had guzzled down earlier tonight.

Therefore, it took this person a moment to regain his senses as he tried to figure out where he was and what was going on in this room.

The other three men in the room had not yet sensed his bewilderment and thus continued to focus on the topic at hand, giving him time to deal with this on his own.

However, everything they said fell into his ears, making him roll his bloodshot and dull eyes.

Not wanting to hear any more of their nonsensical speculations, the awakened patient finally decided to make his presence known.