Returning Home

Far from the hospital situated in the heart of the city, the Lin family's residence was built in a serene area away from the busy life that their city Andrasia was known for.

Closer to the outskirts of the city, it would take almost an hour with zero traffic for one to reach this renowned residential area.

Andrasia's upper echelon was divided into tiers based on their total financial assets and quite a few of the top tier families owned lands in this area which in itself was proof of their massive wealth that had been carefully amassed over generations.

Each residence was separated by numerous acres of greenery to maintain distance and privacy that many desired the most.

No two residences were the same as they each had their individual architectural design and layout.

In such a place, the Lin family also owned a property that could be considered their ancestral home since it had been passed down through generations.

This was also the same place Camille had been brought to after being discharged from the hospital in the later parts of the night.


Last night, after the current President of the Lin family business, Christoper Lin, had escorted his younger sister into the car stationed outside the hospital, the siblings had reached the Lin family's residence at the end of their hour-long journey.

Though Camille had been unconscious for hours after receiving immediate treatment for her severe allergy at the hospital, she was still drowsy and had dozed off in the backseat of the car.

Resting against her brother's shoulder, she had slept for the majority of their journey and had to be woken up when they had finally reached the Lin residence.

Camille had been fast asleep inside the dark car until now but the moment her eyelids fluttered open, she had to shield her gaze which was assaulted with the bright light of her surroundings.

The night was still dark but the area was well-lit, causing the young lady to grimace upon opening her eyes.

It took her a few seconds to adjust to this brightness and soon had her eyes wide open as she scanned her new surroundings.

Turning to the window on her right, she glanced out only to find that their car was currently parked in a large circular driveway with a beautiful fountain at its center.

This sight left her in a daze, admiring the structure that she had only seen outside influential government buildings in her past life.

While she was focusing her attention on the water flowing from the fountain, the man seated to her left had alighted the car and walked over to her side with the intention of opening the door for her.

However, even after the door was wide open and all she needed to do was step outside, Camille remained in the same place.

Confused at her lack of movement, Christoper Lin had lowered his head to check on her when he realized that she was now busy gawking out of the window on the other side of the car where he had been seated until now.

The view on that side had been blocked due to his tall physique so now that he was out of the way, Camille was busy intently observing what was visible from that window.

"You haven't been here for a while so you've already forgotten your home?" His sarcastic scoff woke the gawking fool out of her reverie.

Camille had been staring unblinkingly at the entrance of the extravagant mansion from her seat inside the car, forgetting all about her brother's presence so his voice with ridicule snapped her out of her trance.

It took her a moment to regain her composure, following which she accepted the hand offered to her with an awkward smile before carefully getting out of the car.

Christopher spoke a few words to his assistant who had accompanied them on this trip back home but Camille had not heard a single word as her entire attention was on the tall building now before her.

There was no such character named Camille Lin in the novel she had read, on which she believed this world was based.

Therefore, she had zero information regarding Camille and her family if she solely relied on the contents of the novel.

The only source of her information about Camille was the meager memories she had obtained after waking up in this body in the hospital.

Sadly, the memories she had gained weren't useful to a very large extent as it only mentioned that the family her new body belonged to was well-to-do.

Though now that she was standing before this massive mansion which screamed old generational wealth, Camille knew that it was a gross understatement to call the Lin's 'well-to-do'.

While she was trying to recall more memories belonging to this body, the conversation taking place next to her had come to an end.

Assistant Dorian bowed to his Boss before bidding goodbye to the young miss and got back into the car which soon began moving away from the mansion.

This left Camille standing next to her newfound elder brother as they glanced at each other.

Christopher had not let go of her hand so their palms were still connected which somehow brought a sense of relief to Camille who found herself in this new environment.

It was undeniable that she was nervous about the new life that she had somehow been granted and this new place she was brought to.

However, she could not let her anxiety reflect in her demeanor as that could lead to unnecessary outcomes.

Therefore, she steeled her nerves but had not realized that by doing so, she had clenched the hand she had been holding.

Christopher's eyes fell on their connected hands for a brief second and a glint of understanding flashed across them which disappeared before she could notice it.

To her fortune, the elder brother had a different thought in his mind which did not contain the suspicion that Camille had been worried about.

On the contrary, he assumed that she was nervous about returning home after a long time and thus did not question her about it.

Instead, he gently squeezed her palm as though he was reassuring her before leading her toward the mansion's entrance.

The door was opened even before they had reached the top step that led to it which startled Camille for a moment before she regained her composure.

The face that appeared on the other side of the door was a familiar one and memories related to this person's identity emerged in her mind without another second's delay.

The old man, who stepped to the side after opening the door, bowed before the Young Master and Miss who had returned home after many days.

"Prepare the Lily room." Christopher announced as he walked in with his sister by his side.

The butler, the one who had just welcomed them, was left speechless and showed no signs of movement upon hearing this order.

However, he bowed his head in acceptance the moment he met the fierce gaze of the Young Master who had looked over at him after noticing his inaction.

He got right to work and in no time, a small group of servants was summoned.

Camille watched in utter confusion as this group hurried in a certain direction after obtaining instructions from the old man as she had no clue what they were up to.

Standing next to her, the elder brother had caught sight of her puzzled look but did not focus too much on it.

Instead, he simply brought her over to the dining room where the table had already been set up for them.

He had informed the Butler of their return when she was getting dressed in the hospital's bathroom, preparing to be discharged.

Therefore, there was food ready on the table when they entered their ancestral home.

Not caring about the scurrying servants, Christopher pulled a chair for his little sister and began serving her once she was seated.

Camille's stomach had been empty for hours so she soon succumbed to her hunger and focused on her warm meal.

After her light dinner which had taken place at an odd hour of the night, the elder brother escorted her to a room on the ground floor of the mansion.

Thanks to the memories she was gaining along the way, Camille knew that the original owner of this body had moved out of this mansion soon after she had entered college a few years ago.

Nevertheless, her room had been kept the same way and was cleaned on regular occasions.

She was sure of this as the memories that popped up randomly as she walked with her brother proved that the original owner would visit her family sometimes and whenever she arrived, she would stay in her previous bedroom.

However, the room her brother was leading her to right now wasn't the original owner's bedroom which was on the second floor of the mansion.

Instead, she was brought to one on the ground floor which according to her memories had been locked ever since she was a young child.

The original Camille had never been inside this room so she too did not possess much information about what was behind the door she was now standing before.

Sensing her curiosity, Christopher only chuckled before pushing the door open and escorting her inside.