A Young Lady In Love (1)

'How did you get so close to the male lead..?' She wondered while trying to figure out just how the original Camille had ended up getting pregnant with the Male Lead's child.

Shutting her eyes to help concentrate on this matter, she took a deep breath to relax her body and her mind which she hoped would assist her further.

As she lay in silence, a series of memories began flashing across her mind in sequence as though she was watching a movie about the life of a certain young girl.

The young girl was a pampered little darling at home and was kept far away from the prying and judgemental eyes of the high society in which they lived.

Excluding the chosen few who were close to their family, the little girl was asked to stay away from any strangers who could harm her.

Being an obedient child who could never think of hurting her parents, the little girl followed every instruction she had received and lived a sheltered and happy life.

When the young girl became a young lady and entered college after her school years, she came across the man who stunned her soul on her very first day there.

Watching the man give a speech on stage as an alumnus of the college, she watched him diligently, paying heed to every word he uttered.

Though he spoke of matters which were unrelated to her major, she listened attentively, eager to not miss a single word.

The way he stood, how his lips curled as he spoke about topics that interested him, and finally the advice he gave the new students on how to achieve their dreams.

Everything about him had caught her eye and made it impossible for her to look away.

However, shortly after his speech had ended, the young man left the stage and disappeared from her sight as though he was a mirage that was never even there in the first place.

Nevertheless, she knew that he was real thanks to the numerous people around her gossiping about him at every turn.

Thanks to these noisy people, she was able to discover the identity of the man who had grasped her attention with little to no effort.

Learning his name from the gossip, she began gathering information about him online and thus discovered his identity which she had been unaware of until now.

Though she had heard his name countless times even at home when her father and grandfather praised him, she did not know much about business matters and hence had never paid close attention to it.

However, now that she knew the man behind that name, her interest in him increased exponentially.

Thus began the young lady's journey of learning more about the young man who had moved her previously stable heart.

The more she learned about him, the greater her admiration for him grew.

She did not know what had happened but this admiration soon transformed into love with which she did not know what to do.

Her timid personality made it difficult for her to confess her love to him and at the same time, her stubborn nature made it impossible for her to let him go.

Thus she had been stuck in the perpetual dilemma of what she needed to do to move forward in life.

He was the dazzling light while she was the little flower that had thrived in darkness until now.

Therefore, she was unable to get close to him as she could not gather the confidence to even approach him.

If her sense of self-worth wasn't already low, the constant rumors of the most prestiged young lady in their society being his closest acquaintance and secret girlfriend were disheartening enough to make her give up any thoughts of approaching him.

All throughout her college years, she had suppressed her feelings as she wanted him to be happy with someone who could shine beside him just as he did.

However, even after she had graduated and began working, she found that there was no official news of the two dating.

It also appeared that he was trying his best to avoid any rumors of dating with that young lady.

Ecstatic at this discovery, her love which she had been suppressing had found its way out.

Though she was often busy with work to the point of losing sleep over it, she did not forget to make time to learn about the man's life and his doings.

She had no intention of expressing this love to him as she lacked the confidence of standing by his side and was content at just being able to continue loving him from the sidelines.

She had never thought of doing anything that could compromise the status-quo that they maintained until now.