The D- day finally comes, and Jason is preparing to meet Olivia's parents. He didn't have to do much since he was only going to wear a shirt, a pair of trousers and shoes. Ryan volunteered to drop him off at the location Olivia sent to him not too long ago, he also wanted to know who her parents were.

"Hey, Jason. What the heck is taking you so long?" Ryan yelled as he fixed his watch on his wrist.

"I'm ready, let's go," Jason said as he walked out of his room.

"Are you going for dinner or a funeral, what's with the all-black outfit?" Ryan asked with a questioning look on his face.

"This is what I chose to wear, is there a problem?" Jason answered his question with another question.

"Yes, a lot. You are supposed to impress them, not depress them. Why will you go for dinner, looking like a henchman?" Ryan made little gestures with his hands as he tried to knock some sense into Jason.

"I am running late, Ryan. I don't have time for this." He glanced at his watch before speaking.

"What about a tie, won't you wear one?" Ryan picked up his keys and dipped his phone into his pocket.

"A tie?" He said with an uncomfortable look on his face but it disappeared almost immediately.

"Yes, a tie. You know what, forget it, let's go." Ryan is done trying to convince him to look his best for the dinner.

"Uhm…" Jason didn't say anything except make a short sound.

. . .

"So, where exactly are we going?" Ryan asked as he kicked the car.

"Smith's Mansion." Jason said, while scrolling through his phone.

"That's all the information she sent to you?" Ryan said, looking a bit confused.

"Yes." Jason continued scrolling through his phone.

"There are hundreds of rich people who go by the name Smith, how does she expect us to find their own mansion.?" Ryan is still looking confused.

"Here, use the map." Jason stretched his phone towards Ryan.

"Ooh, apparently, there is only one Smith's Mansion around this area. So, it should definitely be the one." Ryan said thoughtfully.

"Obviously." Jason commented shortly.

Ryan followed the directions of the map and drove off. After some minutes, they got to the Smiths Mansion, Ryan's mouth hung open when he saw the Mansion. He never knew such a place even existed just some miles away from his apartment.

"I have been living miles away from heaven and I didn't know." Ryan said, still amazed by the view.

Jason's eyes widened a little when he saw the mansion, he was as surprised as Ryan but he didn't show it.

*Ring* Ring*{A buzzing sound interrupted both their thoughts}.

"Why the hell are you, Jason?" Olivia screamed over the phone, not giving him a chance to talk.

"We are here already." Jason stepped out of the car with his phone against his ear.

"We?" She asked, confusion clearly showing on her face.

"Ryan dropped me off." He said, closing the door.

"OH, okay. Just go to one of the guards outside and tell him you were invited for dinner." Olivia instructed while fixing some make-up.

"Sure." He replied shortly then hung up the call.

"Hey, man. Are you sure you won't wear a tie? I got one right here." Ryan spoke after a short moment of being silent.

"Just go, thanks for the ride." Jason said and then he started to walk away.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Anyways, good luck." Ryan yelled as he zoomed off.

Jason walked towards one of the guards with his hands in his pocket and a poker face.

"Good evening, I was invited for dinner here." He greeted the guard before telling him his purpose for being there.

"And who invited you?" The guard asked.

"A member of the family." He answered.

"Richard, tell them they have a visitor." The guard said, referring to the other guard.

"Okay." The other guard went inside to deliver the message.

~Inside the Smiths Mansion. ~

"Why hasn't Olivia come down for dinner yet?" Henry asked as he sat down on a fancy-looking chair.

"She will be here soon, I already sent for her," Evelyn said.

Henry and Evelyn were about to start eating when a guard interrupted.

"You have a visitor." The guard said, giving a little bow as a sign of respect.

"A visitor?" Henry questions the guard.

"Yes, Sir." He replied shortly.

"Did you invite someone? Evelyn asked, looking somewhat confused.

"No, did you?" Henry didn't remember inviting someone for dinner.

"I did, let him in." Olivia's voice echoed in the mansion as she emerged from the stairs.

For the first time in a long time, Olivia was wearing a gown with heels and heavy make-up, very odd. Henry and Evelyn were very shocked by Olivia's appearance, especially Evelyn. She had always had conversations with Olivia about the way she dresses but Henry said it was best for her. Since many people didn't recognize her with such a look, she could live a normal and free life.

"Oh my, what kind of visitor could we have, that made our daughter get all dressed and looking pretty tonight," Evelyn said, admiring her daughter's beauty.

"Mom, are you saying I wasn't pretty until now?" Olivia asked with a smile on her face as she approached the table.

The guard escorted Jason into the mansion, what he saw immediately after he entered shocked his whole being. Jason was in for two surprises; firstly, he had never seen Olivia wearing such clothes and looking even more gorgeous than ever even if they just met a few days ago. Secondly, she is the daughter of the famous owners of Aermia. How could he not have realized it, she looked so familiar and he knew he had heard that name before but he just didn't pay much attention to the resemblance, he thought to himself as he tried to hide his expressions.

"Mom, Dad ... meet Jason. My boyfriend." Olivia introduced Jason as she put on her prettiest smile.

"Good evening." Jason greeted as he forced a little smile on his face.

"Boyfriend?" Her parents said almost at the same time with the same expression on their faces.