Olivia is wearing a wine-colored dinner gown, with silver heels and a matching necklace to go with it. Looking prettier than ever with her brown hair which she curled up and her sexy figure in full view, Jason could not help but stare at her a little longer. She just seems to make him do things he never imagined doing.

He had dated Emma for a long time but he never got lost in staring at her and losing his self-composure. After handing over the bottle of wine, they all went to the dining area to get down to business.

Taking Ryan's next tip, being affectionate to Olivia. He pulled out a chair for Olivia to seat on which made her blush unconsciously. She had no idea why Jason pulling out the chair for her made her heart flutter, a lot of men had done this before but it felt so different when he did it.

"Thank you." She said as she sat down, her cheeks still flushed with red color.

"You're welcome," Jason said as he took his seat near her.

Evelyn noticed her daughter's reaction when Jason pulled the chair for her and that warmed her heart, she was happy that Olivia finally found a man she truly loved. Oh, if she knew it was all just a fake arrangement between these supposing lovers.

In no time, the house helpers came to dish out the food on their plates, serve the right amount of wine, and went back to their respective stations.

"By the way, you look really beautiful tonight." Jason complimented her, honestly. He felt the need to since he had never said it to her and now was definitely the best time – in the presence of her parents.

"Thanks, you don't look bad either." Another blush crawled up her cheeks as she responded. Truth be told, Olivia was lost on how to compliment him back even if he looked better than the other day.

After a quiet, short while. Henry decided to break the silence by asking a question.

"What do you do for a living?" Henry asked as he stopped eating and looked up at Jason.

Goosebumps immediately crawled up Olivia's body upon hearing her father's question. It totally skipped her mind about Jason not having a proper job.

"How did I forget to make plans for it?" She scolded herself inwardly as she tried to think of something.

"I don't have a job currently," Jason answered with a straight face.

Both Henry and Evelyn had the same expression on their faces, but Evelyn was quick to blink it away.

"And is there any suitable reason as to why you don't have one?" Henry asked.

"Not really, things just turned out to be that way." Jason gave his honest answer.

"What did you study and what work experience do you have?" Henry asked as he focused his full attention on Jason.

"I studied business administration, with a PH. D in the field and I once worked as an assistant director in a technology producing company." Jason replied, still wearing a straight face.

Olivia was surprised by what he said, she was not sure if what he was saying was true or not, he had never spoken to her about it the few times they met. But whatever it was, she was relieved that he could answer her father's questions.

Henry was impressed by his answer, with such experience, he would be able to run a company with no stress at all.

Henry had seen a certain potential in Jason from the first day he saw him, even if he still had doubts about the relationship he and Olivia shared, he was sure Jason wasn't lying about what he just said.

"Isn't that wonderful, Henry? You both have something in common." Evelyn said to Henry, taking the chance to match both father-in-law and son-in-law.

"Yes, it is," Henry said as he nodded his head a little.

"Can you run my company well if given the chance to?" Henry asked, picking up his fork and knife to continue his unfinished business.

*Cough Cough* [Olivia nearly choked on her food when she heard Henry's question.]

Jason had the same reaction, but he didn't show it. Running Aermia has never been an option for him, he couldn't even imagine himself working as an assistant director there much less running the whole company.

"Oh, honey. What happened?" Evelyn asked the obvious.

"Here." Both Jason and Henry said as they stretched separate glasses of water to her.

Olivia didn't know whether to collect the glass her father was giving to her or the one her boyfriend/ husband was giving to her.

"Thank you." After some seconds of deciding, she collected both glasses.

Her action made all of them laugh, including Jason, that was smart in a funny way. Olivia caught a glimpse of Jason laughing for a very short moment and she found it really cute. Since he barely smiles or even laughs, she made sure to capture the moment in her head and save it for her next painting.

"Can you?" Henry reminded Jason of his initial question.

"Yes, I can. If I am given all the necessary information, I will be able to go about it." Jason said, not too sure of himself though. Not that he couldn't do it but the company they were talking about is one of the top richest and most successful in the country, and it would require a lot from his path.

"Okay, good. I will keep that in mind." Henry said then he continued with his food.

"Wait, running the company basically means taking up the position as CEO. Does this mean dad is considering making Jason the new CEO?" Olivia contemplated with herself as she gulped down the glass of water in her hand.

"Do your parents know about the two of you?" Evelyn asked after being quiet for a while.

"No, my mother passed away a long time ago, and so as my father." Something sparked in Jason's eyes as he answered her question, no one could tell if it was pain, hatred, or sadness because he was quick to make whatever it was disappear.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that," Evelyn said with sincere concern in her voice.

"Sorry to hear that," Henry said.

Well, Olivia could not say anything since she was supposed to be aware of it as his girlfriend. All she could do was place her free hand on his and give it a light squeeze. She felt sorry for him, that explained why he never really smiled or look happy. At least that was what she thought.

"No, it's fine. That happened a long time ago so it has little effect on me." Jason said to them but that was a lie, it had a great effect on him.

At times, he felt guilty for being the main cause of his mother's death which made his stone heart bleed uncontrollably. Most of the time he blamed his unknown father for leaving them which his anger and hate towards his father stronger. The more he thinks about him the more he hates him.