It's evening at the Smith's mansion, all four invitees were in their rooms getting ready for the party while few workers were busy having little conversations about what they are to expect from the Smith family with regards to their outfits, including Jason.

"This anticipation is killing me, I really want to see how they would look like for tonight's party, especially Miss Olivia. She always kills it when it comes to parties like this one." A worker said with obvious anticipation in her voice.

"Me too, I have already seen the dress earlier today but, I just can't wait to see how it looks on her," Sara said excitedly.

"We all know that miss is going to kill it. But, what about the new mister? I mean, if he looks that hot in casual clothings, how will he look like wearing a suit or tuxedo? Perfect!!" Another worker said, giving a quick kiss to her fingers and releasing a short sound 'Muah…'

"Hey… stop hitting on the new Mister already," Sara said.