~Somewhere in the city~

Sounds of empty cans dropping to the ground could be heard from a particular area along the streets. And there she was, Miss V, the artist of the night. Looking more serious than ever, she continued to spay colors on the wall, letting out all of her emotions through the spray cans. It was so surprising how a simple kiss can cause a lot of damage to Olivia's head because she couldn't stop thinking about it, about him. She tried to distract herself with some music but, still didn't work. It was as if he was stuck inside her head. 

"I can't believe I'm falling for him, when did it even happen?" She asked herself, trying to remember when exactly she started to feel something towards him.

"Maybe all of this is happening because I see him almost every day, that should be why I feel this way." She said, convincing herself that that way was probably the only reason for what was happening to her.