Start with the appearance of the hero and heroine first

Xiao Ruoxue in the hall was already numb. As soon as Lin Yu walked into the toilet, a holographic projection-like screen appeared in front of her eyes, which showed the audit background. But this audit background, she can only see, can not modify.

After calming down for a moment, seeing that no one else responded, she knew that only she could see the display. Then, she saw Lin Yu's words about editing her appearance.

'Shameless! It's so shameless! How can you be so shameless!'

She is not an idiot. She didn't say anything about the disgusting adjectives in front of her. It's too disgusting to hold this 18cm for more than 100 minutes.

'This bastard! What's going on in your head?'

After complaining about Lin Yu, Xiao Ruoxue suddenly found that there is a directory in the audit background. The beginning of the three chapters is listed above. However, she didn't have time to look, because at this time Lin Yu had come out of the toilet. The moment she saw Lin Yu, Xiao Ruoxue was stunned. Very handsome!

She doesn't particularly care about a man's appearance, but she was also shocked by Lin Yu's appearance. This is the same as the Lin Yu she saw just now, isn't it? She hurriedly looked at the others.

Lin Yu has a prominent family background, and many women pay attention to him. Seeing Lin Yu, many women showed nympho looks, but they didn't seem surprised.

"Miss Gu, don't you think Lin Yu has become much more handsome?" Xiao Ruoxue asked the eldest lady of the Gu family not far away.

Many women beside her looked at Xiao Ruoxue in surprise. It turns out that this famous beauty in Yuncheng is also paying attention to Lin Yu. What is with disdain for Lin Yu when you meet him? Understood, play hard to get, scheming woman.

Miss Gu was stunned and said. "Handsome? Lin Yu has always been so handsome, okay? If only Lin Yu could be my husband, it's a pity."

After that, she inadvertently glared at Xiao Ruoxue. I don't know what's wrong with this woman, making Lin Yu so obsessed, willing to be a licking dog.

Xiao Ruoxue suddenly trembled. She was sure that what Lin Yu said was true. This is a novel world, and they are all characters written by Lin Yu!

[It seems that there is no problem. The change of the settings about the appearance of the characters will not affect the plot, which is good. Well, Chen Ming will have a scar on his forehead and eyes, buck teeth, a little bald, a big belly... um, 8cm, two minutes... Hahahahaha. It's enough! Can you be a hero like this?]

Xiao Ruoxue imagined Chen Ming's sturdy and three-dimensional face with these characteristics, and she felt sick for a while. Would you like such a person?

[What about Xiao Ruoxue, the first heroine? Color blindness must use cosmetics to cover up a bunch of pimples on the face, small buck teeth, flat nose, big nose, big and small eyes, airport, no butt..., pfft, hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, this is the female protagonist who can match the male protagonist! ]

Xiao Ruoxue exploded instantly.

'You b*stard! This is too much!'

She seems not to care about her appearance, but in fact, what woman doesn't love beauty. In particular, she is naturally beautiful, and she is very satisfied with her appearance and figure in her heart.

Immediately, she imagined the face described by Lin Yu. If she became like this, she would commit s*icide on the spot without any hesitation. What kind of heroine is this, this mother will not do it.

"Lin Yu! You are despicable and shameless! I don't want to be like that. If you dare to make me look like that, we will die together!" Xiao Ruoxue ran directly to Lin Yu and cursed loudly.

However, when she opened her mouth, she found that she couldn't make a sound at all. She panicked instantly. She couldn't say anything about the content of the novel? This should be some kind of rule that controls it.

"Ruoxue, what's wrong with you? Have you felt my sincerity? Don't worry, I will only love you alone in my life!" When Lin Yu saw Xiao Ruoxue approaching, he knelt and said disgusting words.

[Come on, when the protagonist finishes hitting me in the face, I will start to modify the settings, and I will be excited when I think about it. ]

'A*shole! You have such a shitty heart! You just want me to die!'

"Master, the master, and madam have already come, please come to the table, Miss Xiao, please take a seat." At this time, Butler Wang stepped forward and said respectfully.

Lin Yu walked to a luxurious table next to the banquet hall with a look of excitement. In this scene, everyone seems to be excited that Lin Yu may finally be engaged to Xiao Ruoxue. However, Xiao Ruoxue knew that Lin Yu was looking forward to changing her appearance. No, she must not let Lin Yu succeed. What a broken novel, she must fight against the dog author Lin Yu to the end.

At this time, Lin Yu's parents and Xiao Ruoxue's parents had already come to the private room. Seeing Lin Yu, Xiao Ruoxue's parents looked a little complicated when they saw Lin Yu.

'This guy, except for being a little bit dandy, everything else is fine. Of course, with the strength of the Lin family, it is nothing. However, their daughter hates Lin Yu very much, so it's hard to say for today's banquet.'

"Lin Yu is a great talent!" Xiao Tianming forced a smile and said.

Lin Hongjun nodded, looked at Lin Yu who walked in and sighed in his heart.

'My son is a little too childish. However, Lin Yu is still young and has time to grow.'

"Ruoxue, come and sit!" Lin Yu nodded at Xiao Tianming and his wife excitedly opened a chair beside him and said to Xiao Ruoxue. His face flushed a little from the excitement. Look at my superb acting skills, I can consider becoming an actor when I return to reality.

[Slap me in the face, come on, slap me in the face, and say your boyfriend will be here soon!]

Xiao Ruoxue sneered in her heart, still pretending with me?

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''