
"Stop!" At this moment, Xiao Tianming, who had been silent for a while, suddenly made a sound. Just now, the deputy director of the finance department has reported to him, that there was indeed another 100 million in the company's account.

Xiao Tianming, who got the news, was also stunned. Did you see the wrong person? Isn't Lin Yu the type to back down when things go wrong? He had already prepared 100 million, and then deliberately gave Xiao Ruoxue a surprise? He thinks it's still possible.

After all, if someone lends a helping hand at the time of life and death, the person being helped will definitely be grateful to the person who helped. For a woman who is a sensual animal, it may even fall in love with each other directly. And Lin Yu likes his daughter so much, so maybe he wants to win Ruoxue's love by this chance. It's a pity that Chen Ming took the lead. It won't fix it for him.

Although Xiao Ruoxue just showed that she was very close to Lin Yu. However, he knew too much about his daughter, including her behavior and eyes. When the two embraced just now, Xiao Ruoxue was resisting. Also, at this time, she seemed to be protecting Lin Yu, but in reality, the look in her eyes made her wish that Lin Yu was beaten to death.

So, in fact, his daughter is now acting. Everything is because Chen Ming and his daughters are in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. My daughter did this to protect Chen Ming. I didn't expect my daughter to have such a deep affection for Chen Ming. She was willing to give up his sanctity for the sake of a man and endured her disgust to hug Lin Yu.

As an enlightened father, he respects his daughter's ideas. You can't ignore your daughter's happiness for the sake of money, can you? And he couldn't watch his prospective son-in-law Chen Ming really beat Lin Yu and bring disaster to Chen Ming himself and his daughter. So he immediately shouted to stop Chen Ming.

After Xiao Tianming's call, Chen Ming, who was already above him, suddenly woke up. What's wrong with me? It's just a hug., what about my layout? When he calmed down, he also found the problem. The hug between Xiao Ruoxue and Lin Yu just now was very reluctant. And the look in her eyes just now clearly wants him to beat Lin Yu.

It turned out that this woman had been on his side from beginning to end. She did all this just to protect him. This stupid woman, how could I, the Heavenly Emperor, be afraid of a small Lin family? But he can't do it anymore, after all, the beauty has to endure it. Could it be that the three Xiao Ruoxue were worried about him, so she deliberately went against them? He made up his mind automatically, the more he thought about it, the more it happened. These three women are great! I'm making an appointment.

Seeing that Chen Ming was no longer doing anything, Xiao Tianming breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, he looked at Lin Yuman and Lin Yu.

"Ms. Lin, Lin Yu, us father, and daughter are grateful for your kindness, but we can't ask for this money."

Xiao Ruoxue and the others were stunned, what happened? Lin Yu was even more surprised, this character added drama to himself.

[I suddenly have some expectations for Xiao Tianming!]

Looking forward to your uncle!

"Dad, what did you say? Why don't you want Lin Yu's money?" Xiao Ruoxue was so angry, what happened to her father today? Don't want any money?

Xiao Tianming glared and said, "What are you still doing there? What kind of decency? Hurry up, or Lin Yu will misunderstand!"

Lin Yuman looked at Xiao Tianming and asked lightly, "Patriarch Xiao, what do you mean? Why can't Xiaoyu have money? Also, what would Xiaoyu misunderstand?"

Facing Lin Yuman, Xiao Tianming was under a lot of pressure. He knew Lin Yuman's status in the Lin family, in some matters, even Lin Hongjun had to follow Lin Yuman's advice. And this woman is definitely a goddess, she is absolutely beautiful. At the age of less than 30 years old, there is no disadvantage in the business world, and she can wrestle with many business bigwigs without falling behind. Faced with such a woman, looking for any reason is futile, Xiao Tianming decided to tell the truth.

"Miss Lin, you must have noticed that Ruoxue and Chen Ming are boyfriend and girlfriend. Although Lin Yu likes Ruoxue, Ruoxue loves him. I don't want to exchange my daughter's happiness for money and power, so I can only refuse this money, I hope you can understand."

In an instant, everyone looked at Xiao Tianming, especially those who are onlookers wanting debts, the fire of gossip is burning even more.

"I'm going, I seem to understand what's going on!"

"I understood it long ago, did you understand it?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand it? Isn't this just because Lin Yu managed to win the love of President Xiao after they met Yueming?"

"Brother, if you think so, it means you are on the first floor."

"Yes, it seems that Lin Yu guarded Xiao Ruoxue, but in fact, President Xiao had to fall into Lin Yu's arms in order to protect Chen Ming."

"The power of the Lin family, Chen Ming, a boy who came out of nowhere, although he has some money, can he fight it?"

"Miss Xiao had to do this in order to avoid a conflict between Chen Ming and Lin Yu. Didn't you see that Xiao Tianming said it? How can President Xiao hide this from her biological father?"

"I just saw that President Xiao was very resistant to Lin Yu's hug, and she even wished Lin Yu was beaten."

"I'm going, so that's the way it is. President Xiao's acting is so good, that it seems that Shao Yu still can't lick it. I almost cried for Lin Yu when I watched it just now, hey... Poor Lin Yu is so infatuated."

"This wave, President Xiao is in the atmosphere again."

A group of old people who understand the situation instantly analyzed the matter thoroughly, and their gazes toward Xiao Ruoxue and the others also changed.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''

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