What happened to my novel world? Why did it crash everywhere?

[It's over, it's over, why did this start again? I'm in a state of collapse. This stupid male protagonist is also, what are you pretending to be? Can't you just say the herbs directly?]

Idol! Xiao Ruoxue's heart was already bursting into laughter, she slowly walked toward Lin Yu while brewing her emotions.

"Thank you, Lin Yu, I found that you have helped me a lot for so long. I used to think that you were just scheming, not sincere to me. I was forced to act with you because I was afraid of your Lin family. But today I realized that I was the one who blamed you. You are good to me and are dedicated to me."

[Your lines are really special. What do you mean by expressing affectionately in front of the male lead? This dog supporting role pissed me off!]

Lin Yu felt helpless. The heroine messes the plot again, and the supporting roles began to crook again. What kind of bullsh*t is this! Moreover, he has to follow the plot now. He had an affectionate expression on his face and seemed to cry with joy.

"Ruoxue, it's good that you understand my painstaking efforts. Don't worry, you will see more of my sincerity in the future."

The acting is really good, and the tears come when I say it. It is said that women are made of water, I think your eyes are made of water, right?

Xiao Ruoxue continued, "I believe in you, to thank you, I will invite you to dinner tonight, will you agree?"

[I want to kill you, you know? Also invite me to dinner, eat with your uncle. You are cuckolding the male protagonist face to face, idiot Xiao Ruoxue. *(!@&(^!!(*]

Lin Yu shuddered and widened his eyes. After standing for a while, he was ecstatic, as if he was about to ascend to heaven.

"Of course, I agree. It's my dream to have dinner with you, Ruoxue. I think so much..."

[Stop! I can't say how much I want to eat with you for the rest of my life. If you want me back, I must die.]

"What are you thinking about?" Xiao Ruoxue stared straight at Lin Yu. Dog author, you say it, if you dare to say it, I dare to say it!

"I think about where we go to eat at night." Count your quick responses!


Lin Yu let out a sigh of relief and immediately continued to play his role, looking at Chen Ming.

"Haha... Chen Ming, now you know how powerful Doctor Su is? Are you the only one who can complete the formula? Does your face hurt from being beaten? You still want to chase Ruoxue with trash like you, I'm dying of laughter!"

Chen Ming on the side was already numb and couldn't react at all. How come this is so? Why does Su Changzhong know the formula of Meiyan Dan? How can that be? His medical scriptures were found in the treasure trove that he treasured after he had worked hard, suffered countless injuries, and destroyed the world's No. 1 mercenary organization. How could Su Changzhong know?

If I knew that I would stop pretending, how good would it be to tell the content of the recipe directly? It was also loaded with a dog by Lin Yu. Xiao Ruoxue even invited him to dinner! Stealing chickens and losing rice. I'm furious! No, there is still a chance!

He raised his head abruptly and said, "Ruoxue, I know the medicinal ingredients of the Meiyan Dan formula. You can put it into production without any research!"

Xiao Ruoxue looked at Chen Ming coldly, her eyes full of coldness. She said: "Chen Ming, don't pretend to be in front of me. If you knew the medicinal ingredients of this formula, you would have said it a long time ago. Now that Doctor Su has helped us complete the formula, do you still want to pretend? You steal our company's secrets, so unless you come up with 10 million in cash, I will fire you right now."

''Hiss-!'' The director of the R&D department and others on the side took a deep breath. Ten million in cash. This is not a small amount.

Chen Ming was stunned. Ten million for what? He was not convinced, why was he so good, but Xiao Ruoxue didn't like him? But like Lin Yu, a scumbag who can only rely on the family? Competitiveness drives him crazy and many more!

Chen Ming was suddenly shocked. She just wanted to fire me, but it turned out to be paid. She knows that I am not short of money, so she purposely finds me a way out. It must be so. Maybe she was because I didn't tell the truth directly, and as a result, Lin Yu stole the limelight, made her very passive, and deliberately punished me.

She said that she had misunderstood Lin Yu, but she was afraid of the power of the Lin family, so she acted like that to Lin Yu. It seems that I have to hurry up with my next plan to purchase medicinal materials, but nothing can go wrong.

Without the medicinal materials, the Meiyan Pill cannot be produced. When the time comes, I will directly take out the medicinal materials, which will make her heart fascinated! Thinking of this, he said: "Okay, I will pay, I will pay the ten million!"

"Then hurry up and pay the money. The company's hygiene is not up to standard, so hurry up and clean up, otherwise, the money will be deducted and you will be severely fired." Xiao Ruoxue scolded coldly.

She just tried to test how the characters portrayed by the author of the dog were. As a result, it was immediately apparent. No doubt about it. Lin Yu was also stunned.

[Is this your male lead? Is this really your male lead? It seems to be more licking than your villain, right? As long as you have a little brain, you can't take ten million, you have to let the heroine see your arrogance and domineering, not your licking. The heroine collapses after the supporting role collapses, and the supporting role collapses after the male lead collapses. What happened to my novel world? Why did it crash everywhere?]

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''

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