Ruoxue, Are You Really?

"Sister Yuman, Xiaoxue, she's here for real. She didn't resist..." Sun Yufei opened her mouth wide and said incredulously.

Lin Yuman was also very surprised. Just now Lin Yu's voice should have been enough time to remind Xiao Ruoxue, but Xiao Ruoxue did not avoid it.

Chen Ming, who was not far away, was completely blown up when he saw this scene. This dog thing actually kissed his woman. It's dazzlingly cuckolding myself. He just changed his strategy again, but at this time he couldn't bear it any longer and rushed toward the two of them quickly.

[Humph! If you don't respond this time, I can't even imagine the next step. It is estimated that it is a paid chapter. I don't believe you can bear it. Push me away, push me away quickly, hate me, scold me, insult me, leave with anger. Return to your original character setting.]

Xiao Ruoxue was stunned for a few seconds before being awakened by Lin Yu's voice. She panicked and pushed Lin Yu away suddenly. Your first kiss. I haven't even responded yet! This b*stard.


Xiao Ruoxue threw the flowers in her hand directly at Lin Yu, "Lin Yu, you... you rascal."

[Great, great, she is angry, she is angry! She must have started to hate me! In the future, the plot will definitely not collapse. Well... I have to continue licking the dog now, maintain the character.]

Lin Yu made a look of remorse and said with great pain: "Ruoxue, I... I thought you took the initiative to invite me to dinner, and you already liked me. I just like you too much, so I'm impulsive. I'm wrong, I apologize to you, please forgive me."

[Continue to scold, express all your anger and shout out bad words.]

"I thought you already knew you, but I didn't expect you to be in such a hurry, you disappointed me so much!"


[You... you are blaming me for this? Shouldn't you scold me? What do you mean by that disappointing expression? What about the storm? Didn't this break the character set?]

You are a masochist! Xiao Ruoxue thought for a moment, and in order to reduce Lin Yu's suspicion, she decided to satisfy Lin Yu's mind. Anyway, it's just such a small plot, and it doesn't affect the overall situation. Today, she knew that Lin Yu had put a lot of effort into investigating Su Jingwen.

"Lin Yu, you can be so affectionate, I invite you to dinner just to thank you for helping me. Just you..."

"Lin Yu, how dare you to touch President Xiao!" However, before Xiao Ruoxue finished speaking, she was interrupted by Chen Ming who rushed over. Chen Ming jumped up directly and kicked Lin Yu.


A crash sounded. Suddenly, Chen Ming felt a pain in his feet. He even felt that the bones in his feet were broken. But after all, he has endured too much pain, and his endurance is extremely strong. He turned his back on the two of them, frowned fiercely, and forced himself to suppress the severe pain. Only then did he turn around, pretending to be calm. Why is Lin Yu so hard?

Xiao Ruoxue: "..."

Lin Yu: "..."

Sun Yufei and Lin Yuman: "..."

"Miss Lin, do we need to take action?" Several bodyguards suddenly appeared behind Lin Yuman and asked. These bodyguards were originally intended by Lin Yuman to give to Lin Yu, but Lin Yu was pushed to death. Lin Yuman did not force it.

"No, just look at it." Lin Yuman waved his hand, and the bodyguards took a few steps back, ignoring them.

When Chen Ming turned his back, Lin Yu looked at Chen Ming and then at Xiao Ruoxue. Think of your own character, after two seconds.

"What..." Lin Yu took a few steps back, rolled over, and fell to the ground.

[This dog thing, you rushed over to beat me, couldn't you remind me! I am not a master, how can I react? If I hadn't had the Vajra Indestructible Magic Body Protection, wouldn't I be kicked to death in advance?]

"Miss Xiao, are you okay? I think you should have a bodyguard. In a situation like just now, I will never let this person be frivolous!" Chen Ming slowed down, looked at Xiao Ruoxue, and said seriously. The tone seemed sincere, and there was no such arrogance. The feeling that everything was for Xiao Ruoxue's sake.

Xiao Ruoxue was a little surprised, feeling that this person was suddenly a little different. However, this did not affect her dislike of Chen Ming. She was very unhappy about the direction of the novel alone.

Xiao Ruoxue glanced at Chen Ming and said coldly, "You follow me again, do you know that I hate it?"

"I'm just worried about your safety. In case this guy goes wild, I can still protect you." Chen Ming explained.

"Really? Your strength doesn't seem to be that great. You can't even beat Lin Yu's bodyguard." Xiao Ruoxue said lightly.

Chen Ming immediately knew that Xiao Ruoxue was talking about going to Feng Changhu's site that day. It's all Lin Yu All because of this dude.

"You, Chen Ming, dares to hit me! Don't be arrogant, I will definitely avenge this revenge, let's wait and see! Cough cough cough..."

Lin Yu "struggled" to stand up, hugging his right arm, cursing loudly, and then coughing continuously. Then he looked at Xiao Ruoxue.

"Ruoxue, I'm injured and I have to go to the hospital for treatment. I can't accompany you to dinner. I'm sorry about what happened just now, I will pay attention in the future." After that, he turned and left.

[The result is not bad, Xiao Ruoxue, this big fool, is about to be completely broken by me. Sleep after getting off work! By the way, it seems that we have to follow the original plan. The female lead is too beautiful, and I am unwilling to let the male lead catch up. Lin Yuman, let's change it before she comes on the scene, the lover of my dreams can't just be with the male protagonist in my eyes.]

"Cough cough cough…" Sun Yufei glanced at Lin Yuman and held back her smile. My mind is balanced!

Lin Yuman's expression did not change, but she clenched her fists fiercely and dialed Lin Yu's mobile number.

"Xiao Yu, let's talk?"

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'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''

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