I Want To Play With You

"Damn it, that man is so happy. Four beauties surround him. Who is this person?"

"It's really special, I've seen it a long time ago, it's so cool."

"Hehe... you are a bunch of ignorant people, that person is Lin Yu, and the woman he is talking to is Xiao Ruoxue, do I need to say more about the rest?"

"Hahaha... I see, but I still envy him, it turns out to be a licking dog."

"No matter how many beauties surround him, it's useless, this man is handsome and rich, but he has no brain."

"If I were like him, I would have to change a woman every day, and not carry a heavy one for a week."

"Look at how humble Lin Yu is in front of Xiao Ruoxue, it's a real shame for a man."

Many people in the ring have heard of Lin Yu. Seeing the appearance of Lin Yu licking the dog, one by one, they sneered with disdain.

"Ruoxue I don't have a second heart for you, it was Sun Yufei who framed me." Lin Yu didn't care about everyone's ridicule. The more you laugh at me, the more stable my character will be. Therefore, he is still gushing about his licking dog.

Xiao Ruoxue looked at him and said, "Lin Yu, since you said that you are devoted to me, I will give you a chance. As long as you can complete what I said, then I will forgive you!"

[Xiao Ruoxue, you are a fool. Did you ask for help again? I'm already tired from working overtime today, you still give me extra tasks? Big fool Lin Yuman, it's all your fault!]

On the face, Lin Yu looked surprised and said, "Ruoxue, what chance? You can say it, I will be able to do it. I want to prove that my love for you can overcome any obstacle!"

This is what you've been waiting for! Xiao Ruoxue laughed heartily and deliberately raised her voice.

"Lin Yu, this Chen Ming doesn't look good to me. As long as you can go on stage and fight him for me, then I believe that you are wholehearted with me. I forgive you!"

[I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid! Why am I here today? Let me fight Chen Ming? Can Chen Ming still abuse A Biao for a while?]

When the others heard Xiao Ruoxue's words, they all gasped.

"Damn, Xiao Ruoxue is ruthless! To be able to make such a request."

"Although I don't know about Chen Ming, just now his opponent, Brother Gou, is a master. He has a record of 10 consecutive victories, but he was knocked out by Chen Ming with one punch. This Chen Ming is a tough guy."

"Yeah, Lin Yu is a dandy boy, except for being rich and handsome, he is useless, can he beat Chen Ming?"

"Going up is looking for torture!"

"Xiao Ruoxue hates Lin Yu so much, to be able to make such a request."

"Lick the dog, lick the dog, you have nothing left, do you think Lin Yu dares to go up?"

"It's estimated that he will die if he goes up, so he doesn't dare."

"That's not necessarily true, he is Xiao Ruoxue's licking dog."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Lin Yu was taken aback.

[So I have to go up. This way my personality will be stable, and, if it's a big deal, let Chen Ming fall with a kick. This scene that Xiao Ruoxue added to me is not bad! Ok, Ok!]

Xiao Ruoxue's heart ached when she heard it. This dog author! You spared no effort for the plot! Don't even have a face? She suddenly regretted that she should not let Lin Yu come. What if he gets hurt?

"Okay, Ruoxue, today I'll show you my sincerity for you!" Lin Yu gritted his teeth as if he had made a difficult decision, but his eyes were firm. He went directly to the registration office on the side.

Because Chen Ming knocked out Brother Gou with one punch, many people didn't want to play against Chen Ming. According to the original plot, it should be A Biao.

"I sign up! Fight this idiot on stage." Lin Yu said.

"Boy, life and death on the ring are up to the sky, this boy is a master, you want to go up?" When the person in charge of the registration saw Lin Yu, a flash of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Lin Yu turned to look at Xiao Ruoxue and nodded, "What nonsense, hurry up."

"Boy, come on stage!" Lin Yu went straight to the ring.

"Damn, this dude dares to come to the ring?"

"This person, his brain is seriously ill. It's a pity that the Lin family has such a big family business."

"It's too much to even die for a woman."

Seeing this, the crowd sneered.

When Chen Ming in the ring saw Lin Yu, he was stunned. Immediately, he was overjoyed. Lin Yu made him embarrassed many times, he already hated Lin Yu. He specially asked Tianying to investigate. All the information proves that Lin Yu did not learn kung fu. So, he thought it was his own. This time in the ring, he was able to teach Lin Yu a fair lesson.

"You b*stard, you are a bit bloody, you dare to come on stage and fight me!" Chen Ming looked at Lin Yu like a high-ranking expert.

"Stop talking nonsense, you rubbish, dealing with you is like playing with me. Today I'm going to let you down, and let Ruoxue see my sincerity for her!"

You b*stard, you went in the ring and licked again. Xiao Ruoxue pouted. But to be honest, she suddenly enjoyed this feeling a little bit. Pooh! What am I thinking? This dog thing!

"Hahaha... beat me down? Ridiculous! You'd better contact the hospital's intensive care unit immediately!" Chen Ming laughed dumbly.


Just then, the gong sounded and the game began. Chen Ming showed no mercy and came to Lin Yu in a flash. A punch hit Lin Yu's chest. Although you can't kill Lin Yu, you can still break a few of his ribs.

At this time, Lin Yu was very flustered. He was in a hurry and looked like he didn't know martial arts at all. The people in the stands who were watching were all laughing and booing.

A faint sound of broken bones sounded. Chen Ming punched Lin Yu in the chest, and then a sharp pain hit, and his wrist was fractured again. However, he endured the pain and didn't make a sound.

"What..." Lin Yu was ready this time. When Chen Ming met him, he flew out by himself. To show that Chen Ming is very powerful, he also secretly mixed the light work. He flew directly to the railing on the edge of the ring. Then fell to the ground. He stood up slowly, covered his heart, and looked at Chen Ming. His eyes were full of rage caused by shame.

"Chen Ming, wait and see, I will never let you go!" Then, he trembled and walked down the ring.

Chen Ming frowned, feeling that something was wrong. Why is Lin Yu's body so strong? Although his fist was injured, it is still very powerful, he did not expect to be injured by shocks. But he didn't think much of it. With Lin Yu's mentality of trying to pretend to be forceful in front of Xiao Ruoxue, how could he release water?

When he came to Xiao Ruoxue, he looked in pain, "Ruoxue, I'm sorry, I really can't beat this b*stard, but don't worry, I will find someone to teach him a lesson in the future."

Then he looked at Lin Yuman and said, "Yuman, I'm injured, I'll go to the hospital first, please help me choose a bodyguard."

After all, he seemed to be annoyed by the contemptuous eyes around him, so he turned his head and left.

[I end overtime tonight! After a while, I secretly find a place to watch the show.]

Xiao Ruoxue took a closer look at Lin Yu and saw that his face was rosy, not looking like he was injured, and she was relieved.

"It hurts?" Su Jingwen came to the side and asked with some playfulness.

"I don't, it's better to kill him! This b*stard!" Xiao Ruoxue's face turned slightly red and then scolded.

The other women were all holding back their laughter with strange eyes. They don't understand, why do they feel that Xiao Ruoxue is about to fall?

In the box on the second floor, Qin Ziqing and Qin Yuanzong watched this scene. Qin Yuanzong frowned slightly and looked at his bodyguard, Ah Si. Ah Si is just an ordinary person, but he was kicked out of the ancient Wu family because his talent was not good enough. But this man is very strong and has good eyesight. This is also the reason why Qin Yuanzong valued him.

Ah Si frowned and said, "This young master of the Lin family should be hiding his power on purpose, it doesn't look like he was injured at all when he left. And his pace just now seems to be familiar."

"Guwu?" Qin Yuanzong suddenly took a breath of cold air, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. Ah Si has followed him for many years, and he believes in Ah Si's vision. It was only through Ah Si that he knew what the ancient warrior said.

"Interesting, really interesting, this dude who is looked down upon by the entire Yuncheng may be an ancient warrior, why is he hiding? It seems that in the future, I have to get in touch with the Lin family, especially this Lin Yu."

If Lin Yu knew what Qin Yuanzong meant, I'm afraid he would have scolded you for touching your grandma's legs! Lin Yu went out, took off his jacket, put on a mask, and returned to the ring.

At this time, Chen Ming in the arena was extremely windy, and even the pain in his wrist was severe. Today, he is here to conquer the Qin family, so naturally, he has to perform better.

"Who else?" A figure rushed directly under the ring.

"Boy, are you arrogant?" A Biao said coldly.

When Chen Ming saw A Biao appear, he smiled slightly, waiting for you. He ignored A Biao, but came to the edge of the ring and took out a check, "I will win, this is 10 million."

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air again, facing A Biao, he even dared to make a 10 million bet.

"Boy, you are courting death!" A Biao was extremely angry, and after the gong sounded, he rushed directly to Chen Ming.


However, Chen Ming just dodged slightly, dodged A Biao's big fist, and then punched A Biao's stomach. A Biao lay unconscious on the ground. The whole place was silent, no one made a sound.

Chen Ming glanced at the box on the second floor, then Qin's grandfather and granddaughter should come down. However, he still wanted to pretend. He scanned the audience and stood proudly, "Who else?"

"I want to fight with you!"

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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