I really embarrassed the villain brothers

Lin Yu was very helpless, he was surprised. That's it, the plot can come to him. Why is it so hard to live a life of humiliation? This time he was very sure that even if the female protagonists had problems, such a thing would not happen. After all, the minds of these robbers cannot be manipulated.

[Damn it, a good plot is broken again! Tired... I'm really tired... What the h*ll is Chen Ming doing? I gave you a chance and you don't use it! Your dignified emperor can't even handle a group of small-haired thieves? Did his subordinates not inform him? His ability is not enough.]

Where the shootout took place. Sun Yufei also fell into contemplation when she looked at Chen Ming who was bleeding profusely. Will this male protagonist just bleed to death like this? That's the most miserable male protagonist in all the novels.

Originally, if Chen Ming could help her solve the robbers today, perhaps she would feel better about Chen Ming. However, now, f*ck your grandma's legged male protagonist. You came here and pretended to be forced, but were beaten like this without even making a move. It's so rubbish. The old lady will be with the shameless Lin Yu, and will not be with you.

On a secret base, after being reminded by the younger brother, the robber boss looked at Lin Yu coldly. A doubt flashed in his eyes. The performance of this man and woman just now was too calm, as if they were not afraid of him at all. This gave him a sense of crisis in his heart.

"Boy, hand over all your money and valuables immediately! Brothers, go search!" After all, he pointed the gun directly at Lin Yu's thigh and put his finger on the trigger.

[A little dragon-like you dare to act in front of this uncle? What is this Natasha still waiting for?]

Lin Yu changed his face instantly and looked at Natasha in horror. You are a showman.

"Damn, what are you looking at? I will kill you!" The robber's boss is also a ruthless person, and he will pull the trigger.

Natasha threw out the bath towel that was wiping her hair in her hand. After all, these robbers were not very professional and were immediately attracted by the bath towels. Then, Natasha's figure disappeared instantly.

Bang Bang Bang! There was a crash mixed with gunshots. When Natasha landed, the surrounding robbers had already fallen to the ground and lost their ability to fight. A few robbers who were searching for valuables reacted and pointed their guns at Lin Yu and Lin Yu immediately.

A few cracks sounded. These robbers with guns screamed, and the guns in their hands fell. When you look closely, you can see a small iron bar on the back of their hand or wrist. And these iron bars are naturally Natasha's weapons.

[This woman deserves to be a gold-medal assassin, this skill is great.]

At this time, Lin Yu seemed to be relieved, with a lingering fear on his face, he violently gave Natasha a foreign welcome ceremony, while saying: "Natasha, you are so powerful, it seems that choosing you as my bodyguard is the right choice!"

Natasha's body tensed instantly, wishing to kick Lin Yu out. You b*stard, are you used to acting like this?

"Lin Yu, I'm your bodyguard! However, if you want to further our relationship, I'm happy. After all, young talents like you are rare." Natasha smiled charmingly and said softly in Lin Yu's ear.

"..." Lin Yu shuddered all over, feeling like an electric shock. I can't take it anymore, this witch!

[Goddamn, this female fairy, actually threatened me! This young master is the villain and will never fall for you!]

Next, Lin Yu, Natasha, and the housekeeper started to clean up the scene.

Wee-woo-wee-woo! At this moment, a rapid alarm bell sounded outside the secret base. Then, several law enforcement officers were very well-dressed and broke into the secret base.

"All hands up for me! Or I'm going to shoot!" Sun Yufei rushed in first. Then, she saw a group of robbers who had been tied up on the ground, as well as the three Lin Yu standing beside them.

Sun Yufei put away the gun and let out a long breath. Immediately, she said with a look of admiration: "Lin Yu, you are amazing! I didn't expect this group of vicious robbers to be subdued by you alone!"

When other law enforcement officers saw this scene, horror flashed in their eyes. This group of robbers is not ordinary people, each one of them is ruthless and murderous. Many crimes have been committed in many places, and are notoriously cunning.

To solve them, many law enforcement officers were injured. Didn't expect that today would be ended by Lin Yu, the famous dandy young master in Yuncheng? This guy is awesome.

In an instant, the eyes of some people looking at Lin Yu were different. After all, one of their colleagues was injured by this group of robbers, and both sides had both public and private grievances. And Lin Yu is helping to avenge.

"This Lin Yu usually looks very playful, but he still has a sense of justice!"

"Yeah, to tell the truth, ordinary people would have been frightened by the aura of these robbers."

"Lin Yu is hidden!"

"In the future, let's be kind to Lin Shao, they have helped us a lot."

[If you are blind, go to the hospital for treatment! Is there a person here? This plot can twist my head, and I am also convinced!]

Lin Yu hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Captain Sun, you misunderstood, it wasn't me who did it, it was my bodyguard who did it. I am a young master without a negative pole, how can I have such strength?"

Natasha said grimly: "I only follow my employer's orders."

Lin Yu: ...

[Aren't you very cold at normal times? Now it's a talker? Did I let you speak?]

Sun Yufei held back her laughter and said, "No matter what, this group of robbers was caught on your territory, and the credit is yours. I will report it to the top, and let the top praise you! You are the hero of Yuncheng."

I didn't mean to mess with this! It's the plot that just flickers to you. I am helpless too!

[Complete sh*t! A plot that changed the image of the male protagonist was completely ruined! Do you want to reward me? Do I need your reward? What! My path is getting more and more wrong! I embarrassed the villain brothers!]

"Captain Sun, you have misunderstood what the credit is for. This group of dogs dared to come to me to run wild, and they even shot me. I was so angry that I let my bodyguards subdue them. If these robbers don't come, I won't care!" Lin Yu said angrily. He even said a few selfish words.

Sun Yufei smiled slightly, "Anyway, this is also catching the robbers, and you have contributed greatly. We'll deal with the robbers first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

[Am I rare? Yes! Where is Chen Ming's dog thing?]

After all, a group of law enforcement officers took the group of robbers into custody.

"Brother Yu, you are powerful, much more powerful than Chen Ming. That Chen Mingguang can play tricks and said that he came to help us catch the robbers, and he talked a lot, and he was hit by a bullet as soon as he came out. And you don't know..."0 Sun Yufei smiled and described the scene where Chen Ming appeared just now vividly. Even if Lin Yu and Natasha were not there, they imagined the scene at that time.

"Hey... this person is not strong enough, and always likes to pretend to be a force. This time, it's too much. He was shot six times and was sent to the hospital alive." Sun Yufei shook her head speechlessly.

Natasha laughed directly, and Lin Yu glanced at Natasha.

[You are a good actor in the world. Your boss is going to be beaten to death, yet you can laugh. You don't want your boss's life to act like this! I'm convinced, how can this dog Chen Ming do such a funny thing. It's numb, it's numb... It's just a douchebag who can't help it!]

Sun Yufei and Natasha both laughed very happily. After all, what happened today was so funny. Next, because this matter is not a trivial matter, Lin Yu and Natasha have to go to the police station to make a transcript.

As victims, their transcripts were simple, just a few random words. Natasha said a little more, but with Lin Yu there, it was much easier.

When they were leaving, Sun Yufei's leader even came out to thank Lin Yu. And assured him that his deeds will be publicized. Lin Yu refused, so he had no choice but to leave the police station.

"Natasha, you did a good job, you will be my confidant in the future, keep working hard!" In the car, Lin Yu said with a look of satisfaction.

"Lin Yu, I know!"

At the same time, in the hospital, Chen Ming was admitted to the original ward again. This time his injury was worse. The three people looked at Chen Ming, who was lying on the hospital bed and had already woken up, with complicated eyes.

"God, how do you feel?" Tianying said.

Chen Ming's face was extremely pale at this time, especially with shame and anger in his eyes. "What happens after?" Chen Ming asked in a deep voice.

"This group of robbers broke into Lin Yu's secret base and was solved by the Phantom. I heard that the above will give Lin Yu great credit." Tianying wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said.

"It's Lin Yu again! Why are these robbers going to Lin Yu's place?!" The veins on Chen Ming's forehead burst out, and because of his anger, he spurted out a mouthful of blood again.

"Heaven's wrath!"

"God's anger!"

Blood Moon and Lie Ren hurriedly stepped forward to help Chen Ming wipe the blood.

"Forget it, this time I was injured too badly and it affected my performance. Even if it's a favor for that Lin Yu! How about Natasha's Lurk?" Chen Ming was silent for a moment and said.

"After today's events, Lin Yu has completely trusted Natasha."

"Okay, that's fine! Next, Lin Yu won't be so smooth!" A bright light flashed in Chen Ming's eyes.

At the same time, Lin Yu, who went back to school, was also thinking about the next plot.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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