Cooked Rice With Lin Yu.

"Okay, Fierce Blade, you don't have to feel guilty. The killer just now is probably an ancient warrior, and it's normal that. You are not his opponent. Go and heal the wound first, I have something to deal with." Chen Ming looked at the guilty blade and said.

"No, Heavenly Emperor, if he comes again." Fierce Blade hesitated.

"Don't worry, since there has been a mistake, he will never come back. Have you forgotten the Assassin's code?" Chen Ming said.

Fierce Blade suddenly realized, nodded, and exited the room. And Chen Ming dialed a strange phone number. After a while, the call was connected.

"Chen Ming, giving me this call, did you encounter any danger?" On the other end of the phone, an old voice came, but it was full of anger.

Chen Ming's face flushed slightly, and he said guiltily: "Teacher, I have encountered a little trouble, and I can't solve it." As he spoke, he recounted what he had analyzed just now. "Teacher, I think Lin Yu or the Lin family has a relationship with the ancient warriors, and the relationship is very close, otherwise how could there be so many ancient warriors to help Lin Yu? But after my investigation, I didn't find any of these things."

"Ancient martial artist, the Lin family?" At the other end, Chen Ming's teacher muttered to himself, "Could this Lin family have anything to do with that Lin family?"

"Teacher, which Lin family? Chen Ming's eyes narrowed and he asked.

"A hidden ancient martial arts family, but the Yuncheng Lin family should have little relationship with this Lin family, it may be a distant descendant. However, don't worry, I understand your business, and I will help you solve it." The old man said lightly, with a domineering tone in his tone.

"Teacher, just ensure my safety, I want to do the rest by myself."

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ming's face became much better. When I met this teacher, I already knew that the opponent's strength was against the sky. With the teacher's action, his safety should be guaranteed.

At the same time, at the Su family villa, Su Tianpeng suddenly received a strange call. His brows are wrinkled, except for the family, few people know his phone number. And when he called so late, some unease suddenly appeared in his heart.


"Su Tianpeng, long time no see..." On the other end of the phone, Chen Ming's teacher sighed a little.

Su Tianpeng trembled, it was him. This old man is terrifyingly powerful, back then, because it was a small favor for the Su family, this is how to nourish qi, and the marriage contract between Su Jingwen and Chen Ming happened.

"Senior, is it urgent to call so late?" Su Tianpeng's tone was very respectful. Although he was over eighty years old, in front of this old man, he was not too old. How old is the other party? He has no idea at all.

"My apprentice Chen Ming is not doing well in Yuncheng. Tonight there are assassins to assassinate him, and the other party sent ancient warriors. According to his analysis, it may be his opponent Lin Yu, what do you think?" The old man's tone was neither sad nor happy.

Hearing this, to be honest, Su Tianpeng somewhat believed in Chen Ming, After all, Lin Yu's strength is very strong.

"Then what do you mean?" Su Tianpeng asked.

"Find someone to protect my apprentice. I heard that your great-granddaughter has become an ancient warrior? And she has a marriage contract with Chen Ming. I think it's enough for her to protect Chen Ming." The old man said lightly.

Su Tianpeng's complexion changed, let Su Jingwen protect Chen Ming? This is not what he wants to see.

"Senior, Jingwen is just getting started with ancient martial arts, so I'm afraid she is not well protected."

"It's okay, as long as you can stop the other party, I believe Chen Ming can resolve the crisis." Su Tianpeng was silent for a moment, then said: "Senior, Jingwen is not satisfied with this engagement, and Chen Ming went to chat with other women in front of Jingwen..."

"I don't care about the young people, but I think Chen Ming should bring up the marriage contract. Is there anything else?" Su Tianpeng cursed the old fox in his heart. If you say you don't care, you don't care. As a result, the matter of canceling the marriage contract has to be brought up by Chen Ming? Do you not treat my great-granddaughter as a person? However, the opponent's strength is too powerful, he can't directly tear his face, and he has to slowly figure it out.

"Then senior, do you need me to help Chen Ming heal?"

"No, let him solve it by himself, my apprentice, he will be able to solve this little problem. By the way, after this incident, the matter between us will be written off." After that, the old man hung up the phone.

Su Tianpeng sighed, then got up and came to Su Jingwen's door, knocking on the door.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?" When Su Jingwen saw Su Tianpeng, she asked with a smile.

"Jingwen, grandpa is sorry for you..." As he spoke, he repeated the old man's words in their entirety.

Su Jingwen exploded at that time. Damn it. Su Jingwen was speechless, and was very aggrieved, gnashing her teeth in hatred. This dog writer just went to see Chen Ming's condition, how did he come out about as the assassin? Moreover, let me protect Chen Ming personally, this is people sitting at home, disaster comes from heaven.

Su Tianpeng looked distressed, "Jingwen, I can't refuse this matter..."

Su Jingwen smiled and said, "Grandpa, Chen Ming's master said that as long as Chen Ming lets go, the engagement will be terminated? And the matter between our Su family and him will be written off?" Su Tianpeng nodded.

"Okay, great grandfather, isn't that just protecting people? I will, and I will find a way to solve the marriage contract." Su Jingwen smiled and sent Su Tianpeng away.

Dog author, your uncle's. She scolded Lin Yu fiercely in her heart, and she began to think. How exactly should this be resolved?

"Achoo..." Lin Yu, who had just returned to the Yuncheng University dormitory, suddenly sneezed.

[Who misses me? That's right, I haven't been looking for No. 7 recently, maybe because she has an opinion.]

You B*stard, this old lady misses you and wants to fight with you.

Lin Yu shook his head and thought about it carefully before writing the plot. Now Chen Ming is pure waste, waiting for him to recover for two days. Then he went to sleep.

In the 'sister group', Su Jingwen sent out a message helplessly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what should I do? Today that dog went to investigate Chen Ming's condition..." Having said that, Su Jingwen recounted what happened today.

"Hahahaha... Jingwen, are you going to change?"

"Jingwen, Chen Ming is quite good, apart from being a little trashy, a little hypocritical, a little bit pretending..."

"Do you want to force this old lady to knock you out, take off your clothes and throw them on Chen Ming's bed?"

"Cough cough... Jingwen is calm down, I am the first to disagree with you being Chen Ming's wife."

"Me too!"


Su Jingwen: "Then you guys quickly help me think of a way, I hate men in the first place, and now let me serve this disgusting man every day, it's better to kill me!"

Lin Yuman: "Jingwen, why don't you cook rice with Lin Yu? Learn from Yufei?"

Sun Yufei: "Lin Yuman! You only cooked rice with raw rice! I didn't!"

Lin Yuman: "Hehe... actually, at our villa that day, I took pictures of you and Lin Yu posing in the yard. Do you need to post it in the group?"

Sun Yufei: "Sister Yuman, people are kidding around. We are good sisters, Jingwen. I think Sister Yuman has a good idea."

Qin Ziqing: "Jingwen, although Sister Yuman's idea is a bit bad, it doesn't seem like she has a better idea."

Su family, Su Jingwen lay on the bed, thinking about this bad idea. If you want to break off the engagement with Chen Ming, you have to let Chen Ming say it. This matter can only be found in the dog author, Lin Yu. She thought about it carefully. If you use someone else as a shield, with Chen Ming's small stomach, maybe it will hurt others. But Lin Yu's words don't matter. Anyway, Lin Yu is the villain and wants to fight against Chen Ming.

Thinking about it, she said in the group: "My sisters, then you have to help me plan a better plan!"

"Don't worry, there's no problem, but you'll take good care of Chen Ming tomorrow so that he can live a "comfortable" life."

Su Jingwen: "That's no problem. I have experience in taking care of people."

Xiao Ruoxue looked at the group chat and felt a little uncomfortable. This dog author has so many stories of her in the past, but now there is no one, what do you mean? Did you forget that I am the first heroine? Shouldn't you add more drama? Xiao Ruoxue is very distressed now, she used to have her plot and she was crazy.

Now that her plot is gone, she is a little uncomfortable. Especially, it seems that she hadn't seen Lin Yu in days. Pooh! I just want to spoil his plot. I never want to see this dog thing. Xiao Ruoxue snorted twice and lay down, but that night, she lost sleep.

The next day, Su Jingwen came directly to Chen Ming's ward with an exquisite lunch box.

"Chen Ming, it's time to eat." Su Jingwen threw the lunch box on the table and said.

Chen Ming was very happy to see Su Jingwen. Yesterday he had heard his teacher talk about the solution. Su Jingwen is his best choice. He believed in his ability, and it wouldn't take long for the infuriating energy on his body to dissipate. Moreover, this just gave him a good opportunity to get along with Su Jingwen.

"Jingwen, you have to listen to me explain what happened that day..."

"No need to explain, I already know that Xiao Ruoxue is teasing me. Do you want to eat breakfast? If you don't, I will feed the dog."

Chen Ming was choked for a moment, but he was very proud. He still has her charm. Otherwise, why would Su Jingwen take the initiative to bring herself breakfast? This woman will be conquered by him sooner or later. And, can coexist peacefully with his other women. Thinking, he opened the lunch box with some difficulty.

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'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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