Lin Yu, you can't forget your original intention!

Lin Yu pointed at the not-so-big box with a displeased expression on his face. "Don't you see so many people here? This box is so small, is it intentionally disgusting us? I tell you, today is my wife's class reunion, her classmates are here, and she can't lose face in front of her classmates. Hurry up and change us to a big box, you want the largest box in EASECOX, hurry up and arrange it! My wife can't stand this grievance. Wife, are you alright?" Lin Yu lowered his head slightly.

[Wow, haha... Cool, this kind of public show of affection is cool. Jiang Yixin, don't blame me, who told you to turn your back on me as a villain? Tsk tsk tsk...]

Jiang Yixin stared, covering half of her face, turning into a red apple, angry and ashamed. This dog thing! Shameless! Shameless! Too shameless! It's cheap, take it up! It doesn't matter if she agrees or not! The point is that she has nothing to say! Damn hooligan!

"F*ck! Goddess Jiang has a boyfriend! There's nothing left..."

"It's all a show of affection in public, listen to my heartbroken voice."

"I've been thinking about it in vain over the past few years."

A group of boys who still had ideas for Jiang Yixin saw this scene, and their hearts were broken.

"By the way, what is this boyfriend Jiang Yixin looking for?"

"Looking at this temperament, he speaks very hard."

"As soon as you open your mouth, it's the biggest box. Ordinary people don't dare to say such things!"

The person asked curiously. When Gu Jiaojiao heard this, she immediately regained her spirit.

"Humph! Hard? He's a..."

"Wife, why don't you talk? Are you dissatisfied with my arrangement?" Lin Yu interrupted Gu Jiaojiao directly and looked at Jiang Yixin with a sense of immersion in his eyes, and his mouth moved.

[Hurry up and say you are not satisfied, and see how I punish you!]

"Satisfied..., husband, I am very satisfied!" Jiang Yixin gritted her teeth and had to pretend to be happy with a dying smile. She saw that if she didn't follow this stinky rascal today, this stinky rascal would dare to do anything. The point is, it doesn't matter if he is a villain or an author! What kind of energy did you have in the past to follow the plot? You can't forget your original intention!

[It's a pity that you know each other...]

The waiter was a little embarrassed. "Sir, our biggest box here needs a diamond membership card... and now the biggest box is occupied by the son of our Zhao family in Yuncheng."

Lin Yu just laughed, it's fate to meet Zhao Tianyu again? It's a little bit of bad luck. I'm about to be slapped in the face by my villain for the second time.

"Damn it, Young Master Zhao of the Zhao family in Yuncheng, this is a big man!"

"Yeah, the Zhao Group is a big group in Yuncheng, with assets of hundreds of millions."

"Only such a big man can have a diamond membership card. I heard that the standard for charging a diamond membership card is one million. How can ordinary people charge it?!"

The people present were discussing.

He said lightly: "I know you can't make up your mind even as a waiter, and I won't embarrass you. Give you five minutes, let you restaurant owner, and that Mr. Zhao comes to talk to me. Come on."

[Tsk tsk tsk... I always let Chen Ming slap me in the face, but I didn't expect it to feel cool to pretend to force myself to slap in the face. Celebrate your own villain's pretense?]

Thinking about it, he looked at Jiang Yixin again. Jiang Yixin was going crazy, so she lowered her head and didn't give Lin Yu a chance. However, happy words still have to be said.

"Husband, you are so kind to me!"

"Of course, you are my wife!"

[Forget it, in front of your classmates, I won't make it difficult for you. I am too kind-hearted.]

You... you're finally a person! Jiang Yixin breathed a sigh of relief. This b*stard still knows a thing or two.

"Humph! Lin Yu, what are you pretending to be? Do you still want to go to the biggest box? Why do you? Don't talk about the diamond membership card, can you take out something like my husband's platinum membership card?" As soon as they spoke, they were interrupted by Lin Yu, and both Gu Jiaojiao and Wang Kuan were about to vomit blood. Gu Jiaojiao took the opportunity and finally said it.

"Cough cough... Although my silver membership card is of a lower grade, I only got it after charging 100,000 yuan." Wang Kuan threw a yellow membership card on the table with a light-hearted look.

"I'll go, a silver membership card is 100,000 yuan, Jiaojiao's boyfriend is really rich."

"I just realized that this guy is pretending to be coercive, asking for the biggest box and asking Young Master Zhao to come and see him."

"How did Jiang Yixin find such a boyfriend who can pretend to be forceful? It's a waste of time for this person."

"Yeah, what kind of character is Zhao Gongzi? Offending him, isn't that courting death?"

"Fuck! What you said is true, if you don't eat this meal, you won't offend Zhao Gongzi."

A group of small supporting actors spoke up one after another. Gu Jiaojiao and Wang Kuan also reacted, and their expressions changed drastically. Especially Wang Kuan, although he is rich, he is also a part-time worker. This Young Master Zhao wanted to kill him, it was too easy.

"Lin Yu..."

"Shut up, why do you have so many dramas? It's just Zhao Tianyu. If you want to pretend to be forceful, you are afraid of this. I despise you." Lin Yu interrupted Gu Jiaojiao directly.

Gu Jiao's body trembled coquettishly, "Humph! After a while, Young Master Zhao will come, let me see what you will do!"

"Damn, who is so powerful, dare to let me, Zhao Tianyu, come to see him in this garbage box! Today I..." There was a sound of footsteps outside the box, Zhao Tianyu scolded as he walked, and pushed the box away abruptly.

"Zhao Tianyu, what do you want to do?" Lin Yu looked at Zhao Tianyu and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zhao Tianyu trembled all over and cursed in his heart. How did I meet this kid again?! The key is not to offend him!

"Cough cough... It turned out to be Lin Yu, you came here to eat as well?" Zhao Tianyu changed his face very quickly and immediately asked in awe.

"Yeah, my wife came to the class reunion, look at how crowded this small box is? How wronged my wife is. Are you finished? Hurry up and give us a seat." Lin Yu didn't talk nonsense and said directly. What are you doing so politely with a supporting role?

"W...wife?" Zhao Tianyu was shocked, turned his head to look at Jiang Yixin next to Lin Yu, and almost bit his tongue. This woman is really beautiful, and she is very pure and lovely proper beauty. But isn't Lin Yu Xiao Ruoxue's faithful dog licking? Why did you suddenly call this woman his wife?

"Lin Yu, you don't like..."

[If you tell Xiao Ruoxue, where will Jiang Yixin's face go? This is a class reunion! The face is the most important thing! No wonder I designed you as a small supporting role. Just seeing this, you can live to so many chapters, I appreciate my kindness!]

Lin Yu glared abruptly, "I don't like anything? Of course, I like my wife! Wife, I love you!"

Blah Blah Blah! This dog thing, if you pretend to be coercive, what's the matter with taking advantage of it? Do you have no dignity? Forget it, seeing how you take care of me so much, forget it! Jiang Yixin still has some emotions in her heart. This dog thing is comforting sometimes. To put it bluntly, this is the class reunion, and everyone present has something to do with her.

"Yes, yes, yes, Lin Yu, this small box is not suitable for you and your sister-in-law. I will make room for you immediately. Where's the waiter, why don't you take Lin Yu and the others to my box? What are you waiting for? If you make Lin Yu unhappy, believe it or not, I will let you close you down." Frightened by Lin Yu's stare, Zhao Tianyu immediately realized his gaffe and hurriedly shouted at the waiter. At the same time, he was suddenly excited.

Lin Yu came to find another woman behind Xiao Ruoxue's back. If he told Xiao Ruoxue this news, maybe Xiao Ruoxue would be grateful to him. At that time, if I use some more means, I might take the opportunity to take down Xiao Ruoxue.

Although Lin Yu pretended to be forced this time, he was a little unhappy. But when he thought that he might win Xiao Ruoxue, he became happy again. Xiao Ruoxue must be told this! He had already made up his mind.

At this time, I had seen this scene with the owner of Yazhu Xiaoju who was not far behind Zhao Tianyu. Immediately shocked. Lin Yu, can make Zhao Tianyu so fearful, then this Lin Shao is ready to come out!

"It turns out that Lin Yu is here. My little broken place is full of brilliance!" The boss hurried to Lin Yu and said with a flattering expression. The Lin family, the top clans in Yuncheng and even in Tianhai Province, are not something that a small boss like him can fight against. Can only please, shamelessly try to please.

"Wife, shall we go?" Lin Yu glanced at the two little supporting characters with satisfaction, and then looked at Jiang Yixin.

"Thanks, husband." Jiang Yixin smiled sweetly.

"My classmates, oh, yes, and Gu, hurry up and pack up, let's go to the big box, it's uncomfortable to eat here." Lin Yu said with a smile.

[Is it uncomfortable not to pretend to be forced? Tsk tsk tsk...but I'm pretending to feel very good.]

Everyone, including Gu Jiaojiao and Wang Kuan, was stunned. This is real! Lin Yu is a great character! Mr. Zhao may be pretending to be someone, but Wang Kuan has seen the owner of this elegant house, this owner can't tell lies!

Suddenly, both he and Gu Jiaojiao trembled. Gu Jiaojiao was so frightened that her face was pale, and her heart was full of jealousy. How can Jiang Yixin find such a handsome husband with such a strong family background? And she has to find a short and ugly husband? This comparison made her hate more and more in her heart!

At the same time, Chen Ming, who returned to Yuncheng University today and continued to participate in scientific research projects, picked up the phone.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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