Dog thing, this girl helps you Blacken!

Xiao Group.

Xiaohong looked at Xiao Ruoxue's cold face at this time. Very helpless, Miss Xiao seemed to be working with a smile a few days ago after a day of work. These days, her face is cold, and her body seems to have cold air, and colder than before. Could it be that Miss Xiao likes that dandy boy, Lin Yu?

"Mr. Xiao, are you alright?" Xiaohong asked worriedly.

"It's all right." Xiao Ruoxue shook her head

At this moment, Xiaohong suddenly received a message, and her complexion changed.

"Mr. Xiao, the front desk said that Mr. Zhao Tianyu is here again..."

"What?!" Xiao Ruoxue stood up abruptly with a look of surprise on her face.

Did I guess wrong? Does President Xiao like Zhao Tianyu? That's not as good as Lin Yu!

Soon, Zhao Tianyu walked into the office holding a bunch of roses.

"Young Master Zhao, what are you doing here? I said, I'm not suitable for you, so give up!" Seeing Zhao Tianyu, Xiao Ruoxue's face became very cold, and said.

Xiaohong was stunned.

Zhao Tianyu was upset and said, "Ruoxue, only I am sincere to you. Lin Yu, Lin Yu doesn't value you at all in his heart, that day..."

Zhao Tianyu gritted his teeth but still told what happened at the Yazhu Xiaoju that day. The main reason is that he understands Xiao Ruoxue's character, so he will not spread what he said.

After all, Xiao Ruoxue is a woman known for being cold. Xiao Ruoxue was very happy at this time and finally waited for Zhao Tianyu. And Zhao Tianyu also told what happened that day.

"Zhao Tianyu, I don't like you, please give up, so that we can be friends in the future. And Lin Yu, I don't like him either. Please leave." Xiao Ruoxue said with a cold face.

Zhao Tianyu frowned. He liked Xiao Ruoxue, but he just fell in love with Xiao Ruoxue's appearance and figure. Of course, there is also Xiao Ruoxue's business talent, but this is second. Moreover, although his Zhao family was not as big as the Lin family, he was also wealthy. Women love it. For Xiao Ruoxue's rejection, although he was annoyed, he was not like a licking dog.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Alright then, Mr. Xiao, goodbye."

Xiao Ruoxue also nodded, Zhao Tianyu was just a passerby, she didn't care. Then, she looked at Xiao Hong with a confused face. "Xiaohong, let out the news that Zhao Tianyu just said, but don't expose him. By the way, and what I just said, I don't like Lin Yu, I even hate Lin Yu!"

Xiaohong's head was dazed, and she couldn't understand what Mr. Xiao was doing. But she just needed to execute the order, nodded, and walked out of the room.

A smile flashed in Xiao Ruoxue's eyes. The dog thing, aren't you Blacken? This girl helps you Blacken! Lin Yu, who is at Yuncheng University, doesn't know about this.

At this time, the financial competition of Yuncheng University has already begun.

"Yixin, this... what is this? I don't quite understand... Would you like to teach me first?" Lin Yu pointed to the K-line chart and said with an embarrassed expression.

Your dog stuff is really capable! You do not understand?

"Lin Yu, you are rubbish, you don't even know the K-line chart, Yixin, it's a big mistake for you to look for a scumbag like him." The positions of Lin Yu and Chen Ming are next to each other.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Chen Ming immediately shook his head, disdainfully speaking. "Chen Ming, what are you pretending to be? We will win you this time!" Lin Yu replied naturally.

Jiang Yixin didn't even look at Chen Ming, just looked at the screen by herself. Her game attitude is very correct.

Chen Ming snorted coldly and stopped talking.

The content of this competition is very simple, that is, the school has established virtual stock exchange. And in this virtual transaction, all the materials are ready. Contestants need to find important information in these materials for stock trading. The contestants each have one million virtual funds. Within the time limit of the competition, the ranking will be determined according to how much virtual money each contestant earns. Get the most virtual money, you can get first place in the competition. And so on.

Of course, this game is very limited. As the stock price is not restricted. And you can buy and sell on the same day. Virtual time is also used, which is about four hours of the game equivalent to several days outside. The content is simple, but that is the most challenging. For example, how to allocate funds, collect information, etc. are all tested.

"Brother Yu, I'll give you a few company names, can you collect some information?" Jiang Yixin glanced at the stock trend and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm good at this!" Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded hastily, turned on the computer, and started to inquire.

On the other hand, Chen Ming already knew the information that Blood Moon gave him. He said to the top student beside him, "These stocks have great potential, it's best to buy them all."

The high-caliber student was stunned for a while, but he knew that the other party was a powerful person. Because when Chen Ming was looking for him, he once revealed a bit of news. And that news made him very convinced of Chen Ming's strength.

Therefore, he bought these stocks with all his funds. Chen Ming is very satisfied, this boy is very obedient, and he is very comfortable with the bonus of 500,000 yuan.

Soon, the day in virtual trading was over. At this time, Chen Ming had already earned 700,000 from the stocks he bought. This time, to give the contestants a sense of urgency.

On the big screen at the front of the competition venue, in addition to the K-line chart, there is also a leaderboard. The leaderboard shows the real-time money of the contestants. At this time, Chen Ming's team's funds ranked first, at 1.7 million. The team of Lin Yu and Jiang Yixin, although only 1.4 million in funds, ranked second.

Chen Ming nodded. This Jiang Yixin is not only beautiful but also very powerful. You can make so much money on your own. He could be sure that Lin Yu did nothing to Jiang Yixin. It can only be said that Jiang Yixin is indeed talented in finance. His gaze towards Jiang Yixin was full of desire! This woman must make her her own!

[I'll go, it turns out that Jiang Yixin's talent is so powerful that I designed it. Ranked second by her ability. This time investment is something. But still too young. The stock of Tiansheng Company can rise by 105%, but it means that she is going to sell. And this story group, the other party's capital injection should start soon...]

Jiang Yixin almost laughed out loud. Originally this time, she knew that she had no hope. Because she refused to cooperate with Chen Ming who had already gotten the answer. But in the past hour or so, Lin Yu's voice exposed the stock gains of several companies.

Moreover, the gains of these stocks have been verified by her, and they are the same as what Lin Yu said! That's kind of scary. Lin Yu is truly a financial genius! Even the so-called stock god is not as powerful as Lin Yu in her opinion. She knew that all this was Lin Yu's ability.

Because in Lin Yu's chapter, things about this game are brushed aside. There is no such detailed introduction. Hehe! Now I can follow your directions and buy it! Jiang Yixin was afraid that she would buy stocks according to Lin Yu's wishes as soon as she came up, exposing herself.

So I still bought a few stocks according to my ideas. But now, why don't you want the 500,000 given for nothing? She is not stupid.

[F*ck, how does she know this stock has potential? Oh, she sold the shares of Tiansheng Company at the highest point. However, this stock is estimated to lose a lot, and this one is also a loss. I'm going, co-authoring Jiang Yixin was just getting acquainted with the situation, and now it's starting? What a scary woman!]

Lin Yu looked at Jiang Yixin's operation and was a little surprised. It was exactly what he thought. Of course, Jiang Yixin bought some stocks that would lose money to be less obvious. However, over time, she made more money than she lost.

After about an hour, the ranking of the leaderboard began to change. Chen Ming's team's funds became a second place with 2.67 million. Jiang Yixin took first place with 2.69 million.

Chen Ming's face suddenly changed! Impossible! This is impossible! He had obtained first-hand information about the Blood Moon, and he should have been ahead until the end of the game. But after only three hours, it was overtaken.

Although the amount of money is small, the hunch in his heart is getting worse and worse. He raised his head and looked at the Blood Moon sitting on the referee's bench. Blood Moon has its name internationally, a master of the financial world. This is why Yuncheng University invited him to come.

At this time, Blood Moon's face also changed. After he participated in the question, he told Chen Ming about the trend of profitable stocks. But the stock market is not set in stone. Sometimes many factors can affect the value of a stock. But what he told Chen Ming were the most profitable stocks, but now Chen Ming has been overtaken?

He immediately called out Jiang Yixin's purchase of stocks and the point at which they were bought and sold. Seeing this, he was shocked. Although Jiang Yixin's timing of buying or selling is not at the highest point or the lowest point. But it is better than Chen Ming!

"Impossible, impossible, how could there be such a god?" This strength is almost catching up with his level. But he's been a figure in the financial world for years!

Jiang Yixin is just a college student who is about to graduate! However, the game has already started, he can only watch, but there is nothing he can do! In this way, under the reminder of Lin Yu's voice, Jiang Yixin made some mistakes on the one hand and made a lot of money on the other hand. Four hours came quickly.

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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