Left and Right 'Attack'

"What's done?" Lin Yu asked. Although he guesses his heart, is it too fast?

"Lin Yu, just now our company's stock was suddenly suppressed by Mingqi Group. So we guess that the mastermind behind all this should be the Mingqi Group. For this reason, only after our investigation did we know that you were wronged, so, I immediately contacted the media to clarify the matter and countered Mingqi Group." Manager Sun finished everything in the shortest words.

Then, a tablet was placed in front of Lin Yu. On the tablet, not only did law enforcement officers clarify what happened yesterday, but there were also some videos about Chen Ming. It not only introduces Chen Ming's current identity but also contains videos of Chen Ming's various crimes after returning to Yuncheng. For example, following Xiao Ruoxue, hitting someone at Yazhu Xiaoju, and kicking the door last night... Not only does it clarify Lin Yu but also countered Mingqi Group.

"Lin Yu, now our group's stock price has been rising, and Mingqi Group's stock price has begun to fall." Manager Sun said with a smile.

"Okay, nice job! Very good! I've long seen that it was Chen Ming's dog who was behind his back. Double your bonuses this month!" Lin Yu said with a big laugh.

"Thank you, Lin Yu! Then I'll go out to work." Manager Sun hurriedly thanked him.

[I am asking you to complete the task, not for you to overfulfill the task! This Chen Ming just made his debut in the upper class of Yun City yesterday, and today it is full of scandals! This is a fart! Law enforcer, hum! It must be that woman Sun Yufei! I will try to deal with you later! I'm too lazy to care about you now, I'm going to go with my plot.]

Sun Yufei pouted, wanting to deal with this girl, just keep dreaming!

Mingqi Group.

After Chen Ming saw the video, his whole body was bad! The office is a mess again. Yesterday, he just emerged in the upper class of Yuncheng, but now he has directly returned to the square. Lin Yu, this dog thing, really has something.

Thinking about it, he called Manager Li. Now in Yuncheng, his only connection is Li Guanshi. He knew that the other party still knew some powerful media figures. If he can make a move, there must be no problem.

"Mr. Li."

Manager Li's tone on the other end of the phone was a little unpleasant, "Mr. Chen, did you call me because of the things you did that were circulated on the Internet?"

Manager Li is a little unhappy now. Yesterday he just praised Chen Ming in front of a high society person in Yuncheng. As a result, Chen Ming broke out so many scandals today. This one thing is not at all like what a person in high society does. More importantly, he even framed Lin Yu. Although the people sent by Lin Yu didn't help the medical school's scientific research projects too much, they came to help out after all. Chen Ming's pattern is too small. He was disappointed in him. Originally, he did have some good things to look for Chen Ming today, but now it's gone.

Chen Ming's heart jumped when he heard Steward Li's tone, and he hurriedly explained. "Mr. Li, I just returned to Yuncheng, and I haven't gotten used to the life here. So something impulsive was done. I hope Manager Li can help me again."

Manager Li was silent for a moment and finally said: "Mr. Chen, this is the last time, come to our school. In the future, you will have nothing to do with our Yuncheng University."

Chen Ming was both happy and angry. I'm happy because Steward Li took action, so there should be no problem with this matter. Annoyed, the background he tried so hard to win over was destroyed by Lin Yu like this.

"Then thank Manager Li." Hanging up the phone, Chen Ming looked at the blood moon. "Blood Moon, I'm going to resolve the negative news, and you will bring me back the share price of Mingqi Group in the shortest possible time!"

"Yes, God."

Lin Yu drove to Yuncheng University, spared a circle, and saw He Yanyan not far away.

[This story is coming so fast! I don't know if Chen Ming is here or not.]

At this moment, he saw Chen Ming coming out of the school gate, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He immediately got out of the car and walked towards He Yanyan.

"Beauty, have lunch together? Give me a chance?" Lin Yu looked up and down at He Yanyan, his eyes were full of evil.

He Yanyan hated Lin Yu because of what happened last time, so naturally, she will not have a good attitude now.

"Humph! You'd better find your Jiang Yixin, I'm not interested in you." He Yanyan said coldly.

"Humph! Lin Yu, I already knew you were a piece of trash, as expected. You got Xiao Ruoxue yesterday, and I still want to touch my woman today!" Chen Ming walked up to the two and looked at Lin Yu with hatred.

Thinking of what happened last night, and his scandal today. He was a little crazy and wanted to kill Lin Yu. However, he didn't dare to do it, because the people behind Lin Yu were very powerful. If he is not careful, he will die. No matter how powerful his teacher was, he couldn't bring the dead back to life. Therefore, he now has to nibble away at everything from Lin Yu step by step and finally kill Lin Yu.

"You are a disgusting person, and it is impossible for me to like a person like you for the rest of my life. My brother Ming, brother Ming, let's go play together? He Yanyan said coquettishly.

As soon as He Yanyan touched it, Chen Ming, who was already full of anger, immediately felt a little bit calm. He smiled proudly, "Lin Yu, do you see it? In terms of charm, you are far worse than me. Don't think how long you can rely on the Lin family, the Lin family is only a few days away from being destroyed."

[Tsk tsk tsk... If ordinary people encounter so many things one after another, I'm afraid they would have gone crazy. I, the author, never thought that the character of Chen Ming, could not be beaten to death. I'm optimistic about you! The green hat king Chen Ming!]

Puff-! When the female protagonists heard this, they all laughed out loud. Why is this dog thing so damaged?

However, on the surface, Lin Yu still showed his unhappiness after being rejected by the woman. His face was blue, "Okay... let's wait and see!"

Chen Ming put his arms around He Yanyan, showing the smile of a winner. "Lin Yu, you are not my opponent, you..."

"Lin Yu?! Brother Yu?!" However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the surprised voices of two women. Two tall, beautiful women suddenly came to Lin Yu from left to right. Next to Lin Yu.

[Damn, this kind of small plot, can it collapse? I have taken it! I understand Jiang Yixin, sister Zhao Qing, you are not the heroine, how can you come to join in the fun? Is it easy for Chen Ming to pretend to be a coward? Now that you two come, he is only left to be beaten in the face. This male protagonist... um... is quite miserable.]

Xiao Ruoxue frowned. Something is wrong!

Zhao Qing and Jiang Yixin are the school beauties of Yuncheng University. Their figures naturally attracted the attention of countless people. At this time, seeing two women approaching a man from left to right, everyone went crazy.

"Damn it, I'm blind! Why are such arrogant school beauties so close to that man?"

"I know Jiang Yixin because that man is Jiang Yixin's object, what about Zhao Qing's school flower?"

"I'm going to duel that dog man! I'm mad!"

"I'm crazy, if any of these two women marry me, I'd be happy if the child is not mine, but... ah!"

"It's so irritating!"

A group of people suddenly spoke up. Some are surprised, some are angry, and more are sour! In their opinion, Lin Yu has reached the pinnacle of his life!

When Chen Ming saw this scene, he was going to go mad with depression! This b*stard Lin Yu, why does he fight back whenever he is about to pretend to succeed? And the pretense is even better than him! The two women are the best of the best. And the types are different, they are all the types he likes. In this comparison, the He Yanyan in his arms is far worse! What's even more irritating is that Jiang Yixin has agreed to go to his company, why is he still thinking about Lin Yu?

[Oh, it collapses, this kind of treatment is not something that ordinary men can have! I am the villain, but it is the peak of the villain! Hehehe, let's start by 'attacking' left and right.]

With a wild look on his face, Lin Yu quickly changed his expression and opened his arms directly. "Chen Ming, what are you pretending to be? Just that rouge fan in your arms, I'm just teasing her. Which woman around me is not the best? What's the use to find her? Is that so, Xiao Qing? Yixin?"

Jiang Yixin almost bit Lin Yu. She just saw Lin Yu, she was very excited and rushed up. I didn't expect that one would come out from the other side. She only knew about this woman after Lin Yu wrote about Yuncheng University. However, she is now the school flower who is tied for the first place with her.

Originally, after she realized that something was wrong, she was about to let go. As a result, this dog, Lin Yu, moved too fast, and immediately stretched out his arms, stealing all kinds of food! This is in front of so many people! You have no face!

However, Zhao Qing on the other side was happy. There was no resistance at all. She didn't know why she fell in love with Lin Yu deeply when she saw Lin Yu. After a few days of not seeing him, she has long thought of Lin Yu.

"Yixin, what are you doing?! Don't hurry up! Have you forgotten what you promised me?" Chen Ming was even angrier when he saw Jiang Yixin in Lin Yu's arms.

Jiang Yixin's face suddenly froze.

Lin Yu on the side was even more stunned.

[Damn, do these two have any other agreement? Is it a work thing? I have to see how this Jiang Yixin behaves.]

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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