Natasha's psychological defense has collapsed a little bit

Lin Yu was stunned.

[You are seriously ill? Even if you play early, you still want to kill me? What grudge do I have with you?]

"Beauty, we two have no grievances, I am the general manager of the Yuncheng Lin Group. I think you're a beautiful woman, and I don't have the same knowledge as you. Hurry up and leave, otherwise, hum! Don't blame me for destroying flowers!" Lin Yu looked Leng Tianshuang up and down, and wickedness flashed in his eyes. Anyway, he is already Blacken, and he will not refuse to come to women.

Leng Tianshuang smiled lightly, "I am Chen Ming's person, I have already investigated you, you and Chen Ming are rivals. Then I naturally have to kill you to eradicate the troubles for him."

[Damn, are you from Chen Ming? What about your resistance to fate? Now you are Chen Ming's person if you don't directly resist? Then how can I design the two of us to join forces, cough... Wipe, I can't understand this heroine's collapse! You must give me a chance to make up a story for you. You are not going to marry Chen Ming when you come up? Yes, this is outrageous!]

Leng Tianshuang smiled again. She didn't speak anymore, she shot directly, and the slender hand quickly grabbed Lin Yu's neck.

[Damn, is this woman playing?]

Lin Yu was stunned. If I doesn't have any strength, wouldn't I be finished?

Natasha on the side had already made preparations, and when Leng Tianshuang shot, she also shot. Although they are all female protagonists, even Natasha can't understand the idea of this female protagonist now. So, she can only make a move.

The two fought several times. However, no matter how powerful Natasha is, she is still an ordinary person. How could she have beaten Leng Wushuang, an ancient warrior? After a few moves, Natasha couldn't react.

Leng Tianshuang punched and slammed Natasha. Seeing that the situation was not good, Natasha immediately retreated.

Leng Tianshuang smiled slightly and followed Natasha. However, her movements were a little slow, giving Lin Yu a chance to shoot. Lin Yu didn't see this. After all, he has never studied ancient martial arts at all, and he doesn't even know what kind of strength he is now. But Lin Yu could see that Natasha would be seriously injured if Leng Tianshuang hits hard.

"Stop it now!" Lin Yu shouted.

[You dare to touch Natasha and let me see? Dare to touch my daughter... cough... maiden, courting death! Natasha has such a perfect figure, what if she is injured and scarred? Do you know what it means to go crazy? This young master will write a chapter when I go back, and you will go crazy every day when you practice this exercise. As soon as you get into it, you lose consciousness, and then you have to practice with Chen Ming! And you can't abolish the practice! This young master makes an exception for you, and if you abolish the practice method, I will write that you will automatically cultivate successfully every day.]

Leng Tianshuang cursed inwardly. I thought that she would never be disturbed by Lin Yu when she had been in the arena for so many years. How do you know... Only a few minutes after we met, her mood was broken! This dog that kills a thousand knives is ruthless! I just move Natasha and you're going to make me go crazy every day? They are all female protagonists, do you need to treat them differently? Helpless!

She originally wanted to see how powerful Lin Yu was. As long as she pushes Natasha to a dead end, Lin Yu will take action. At that time, Lin Yu's strength will be completely exposed, and he will not be able to pretend to be garlic in the future. She still wants to rely on Lin Yu to fight the old man Yun. After all, Lin Yu rarely takes action against a character in a novel unless the character disrupts the plot. Now, she really can't help it. If you go crazy every day, do you still have to practice with Chen Ming? It's better to kill her. So, she could only stop.

Natasha's heart suddenly flashed with warmth. This is not a plot, but a sudden situation. How could Lin Yu protect her like that? Do you have to change this heroine for her sake? You know, she has been abroad for many years, and no one has ever cared about her so much. So she developed a cold-blooded mentality. Even to Chen Ming, she was only forced to agree to become his subordinate, and Chen Ming just used her as a tool, and even more for her body. Lin Yu... that's pretty good. This seems to be the first one who cares about her.

"Natasha, are you okay?" Lin Yu ran to Natasha and began to look up and down. Of course, his hands were not idle either.

Natasha blushed. This dog thing should not be praised! Shameless! You don't know if I'm hurt or not?

"Lin Yu, I'm fine." Natasha blushed a little, and there were still people watching on the street! Can't you talk about it in private? Pooh! What in private? What am I thinking? I am a ruthless killer!

"Lin Yu, didn't expect you to care so much about your bodyguard?" Leng Tianshuang asked with a light smile.

"Of course, huh! This is my bodyguard! I tell you, if you kill me, then my Lin family will never let Chen Ming go, he will die!" Lin Yu said coldly.

Leng Tianshuang was too lazy to write ink with Lin Yu, a schizophrenic patient. She said: "It's okay not to kill you, give me your phone number, otherwise don't blame me for killing your beautiful bodyguard."

Lin Yu: ???

[Damn, the two female protagonists who appeared today are both mentally ill! No one plays cards according to the routine. You don't kill me, do you want my phone number? Where is this special code from?]

Lin Yu was speechless.

"What on earth do you want?" Lin Yu asked coldly.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want your phone number so that we can get in touch in the future. I'm very interested in you and want to study you." Leng Tianshuang said with a smile.

I have to say that this cold beauty is really beautiful when she smiles. I don't know.

[Contact me? Interested? Want to study me? What are the words of the tiger and wolf? It feels like a peerless old woman suddenly thinks of a man. Ran Xingchen and Leng Tianshuang are the two most outrageous heroines. Could it be that in Leng Tianshuang's exercises, there is a hidden attribute that I don't know that make people become sao? Like handsome guys? That's reasonable.]

You are sao! Reasonable sir. Leng Tianshuang broke again. She admitted that it was wrong for her to underestimate other heroines before. Who can stand this vicious tongue?

"Remember, 153*****, okay, is this all right? Also, I have to tell you one thing, Chen Ming is a piece of sh*t, if you go against me, it will end sooner or later. You are so good at it, you can consider abandoning the dark and turning to the light, being my bodyguard, and watching me crush Chen Ming." Lin Yu continued to follow his villain's character and said.

"Then I'll think about it, and I'll contact you when I think about it." Leng Tianshuang wrote down Lin Yu's cell phone number and said with a smile.

Lin Yu: ...

[I'm just messing around, don't take it seriously. Chen Ming still has a lot of dangers waiting for you to rescue him in the future. If you come over to be my bodyguard, Chen Ming will not be far from finishing the project.]

Leng Tianshuang glanced at Lin Yu, turned, and left. This dog writer is full of drama!

"Huh... It's dangerous, this woman is so powerful, I didn't expect Chen Ming to find such a powerful helper. It won't be good in the future." Lin Yu said with a displeased expression. He was really upset. Originally, when Leng Tianshuang appeared, it was when he also had the backing of the Lin family of the hidden ancient martial arts family.

As a result, Leng Tianshuang is now playing, so he and Chen Ming are not evenly matched. This novel world is so speechless that it can run on its own, and let me write the plot! The key is that he feels that if he writes a plot to let Leng Tianshuang leave, it is estimated that this woman will not be able to leave.

[It seems that there will be less forceful plots in the future. Huh? No, there is a problem, there is a big problem. I have been ignoring a question! He Yanyan's medicine... Who gave it to her?! It can't be this woman! Damn, the more I think about it, the more it's going to happen! This woman is too cruel! Turn Chen Ming into a eunuch directly? But this is possible. Forget it, it doesn't matter. Eunuch Chen Ming should be a eunuch. First the eunuch, then the green hat, this plot is a bit reasonable.]

Leng Tianshuang smiled, it seems that this dog author is quite smart.

Lin Yu was too lazy to think about it. This time he drove and took Natasha towards the company. On the way, he glanced sideways at Natasha.

[I always feel that the way this woman looked at me at the beginning was wrong. Isn't it interesting to me? But now you are still undercover, and you have to report to Chen Ming. If you let him see that you are not perfect, what should you do with this problem? Cough, cough... Let's talk about it later, I, the villain, won't let you go! ]

Natasha gouged out Lin Yu. My heartbeat suddenly was a little faster. Do you even think about me? She suddenly felt that her psychological defense had collapsed a little bit. Before, she only looked at the novel world with a rare attitude. In the fight between Lin Yu and Chen Ming, she just wanted to watch the drama and mess up the plot by the way. Find some fun in life. After all, the days of being a killer overseas were boring, and she was tired of it. Even if the heart is already cold, there is no so-called emotion. Although it was unpleasant to be treated as a pawn, she couldn't change it. However, now she suddenly felt that life was very interesting. Lin Yu is also very interesting. It's worth looking into. Even though...

She suddenly blushed. The voice of this dog thing is so powerful!

Lin Yu and Natasha returned to the company and began to lean on the chairs and salted fish. Anyway, Lin Yuman worked for him, so what would he do without salted fish? Is he the villain, or the author, and still working overtime?

[Oh, you don't need this job, you have to write the plot, it's annoying! I think about it, Ran Xingchen has nothing to do with me, so let's write her story. What kind of plot do you make?]

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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