The Man's House Was Really Stolen


"It's impossible! How is this possible?! Why did the other party eat up more than 20 billion of our funds with only a few billion?" Three hours later, Wu Mingrui slapped the table and cursed loudly.

Xu Lai and Wang Hai both frowned. Today's situation is complicated, and even they can't figure out the changes in the stock market. Although Blood Moon knows it well, on his face it is also very self-blame.

"Wu Shao, I think this stock sniping may have been taken by the Li family, and the situation in the broader market just now is extremely complicated..." Blood Moon said helplessly.

Wu Mingrui took a deep look at the Blood Moon, how dare he be called a financial master? Go eat sh*t. He looked at Xu Lai again, this was the person he brought, and he would not deceive himself. And this time, he brought Xu here to monitor the Blood Moon. Xu Lai couldn't even squeeze out a wry smile on his face,

"Mr. Wu, the stock situation this time is too complicated. I have never seen such a treacherous and volatile stock situation in all my years of practice. I think the same as Vice President Huang, it is very likely that a copyist has secretly attacked."

Wu Mingrui frowned suddenly, the Blood Moon was fine. That's the real problem with the stock market.

"Vice President Huang, how much money does your company have?" Wu Mingrui looked at the blood moon.

Blood Moon frowned and said: "I don't know the exact amount, but there should be several billion."

"Very good, then continue to attack the Lin Group." Wu Mingrui said coldly.

Blood Moon was going crazy with laughter, this is what he wanted. However, he looked embarrassed on the face, "Mr. Wu, the use of such a large amount of funds must be approved by President Chen."

Wu Mingrui immediately called Chen Ming.

At this time, Chen Ming, who had been paying attention to the stock market situation, was already furious. One more time. Once again, the Lin Group made a lot of money. This time, someone else is involved. Why? Why is that? Chen Ming had the urge to vomit blood again. At this time, he received a call from Wu Mingrui.

"Chen Dong, everyone has made a lot of money this time, and the result has not shaken the foundation of the Lin Group at all. Now that your company still has money, why don't you take it out and continue to attack the Lin Group?" Wu Mingrui didn't show any courtesy to Chen Ming and said straight to the point.

Anger flashed in Chen Ming's eyes. He is a dignified emperor, when has he been bullied by others?

"Young Master Wu, everyone is in a cooperative relationship, you paid, and I also paid, and it's the big one. It's not what we want to see things like this now, but if we continue to invest money, there will never be a good fruit to eat."

Wu Mingrui sneered: "Chen Ming, are you unwilling to pay? Everyone has to be sincere to cooperate, and it is in your best interest to continue the Lin Group. If you don't have sincerity, then this cooperation may not be possible."

A flash of killing intent flashed in Chen Ming's eyes, how dare a scoundrel threaten him? However, now he has to need the support of the other party.

After thinking about it, he said: "Tell Vice President Huang to come up with another five billion funds, if it still doesn't work, then withdraw quickly."

"Chen Dong, this is the attitude that cooperation should have, you should talk to Vice President Huang yourself." Having said that, Wu Mingrui handed the phone to Blood Moon.

Blood Moon just answered the phone twice before hanging up.

"Keep attacking, put in more," Blood Moon said to everyone in the financial department.

The other side is Lin's Group.

Lin Yu rushed to the financial department after learning that Mingqi Group was sniping at his company again. Then I saw the magical operation of Mingqi Group.

[ Damn, this operation really can't be played without cerebral thrombosis for decades. Isn't this giving me money? What is Mingqi Group doing? ]

Although Lin Yu has a god-level business mindset. At this time, he was also confused by the operation of Mingqi Group, he can't understand it at all. It always feels that except for the initial wave of attacks. The rest of the time, the other party seemed to be fighting with itself. It's the kind where you come and go and have fun.

But he could see it. The process here is very delicate, almost like the feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife, and it was exposed accidentally. I'm afraid not even the top financial traders can't see it.

[ Burning and playing with tens of billions of cash, and after finishing things, it continued to increase the Lin Group's stock by percentage points. This wave, who is in the atmosphere? ]

"Vice President Lin, according to reports, Mingqi Group has once again invested 5 billion into the stock market." Report from the Director of Finance.

[ Return? How much money does Chen Ming have left? He doesn't want to have a home. ]

Lin Yu took it all.

Lin Yuman sneered, "Continue to eat more of their funds, and then prepare to counterattack."

It's not her character to be passively beaten. What's more, the right time and place are now occupied by the Lin Group. She wants to destroy the Mingqi Group in this wave. Soon, the financial department entered a state of tension again, and the crackling sound continued.

Mingqi Group.

Looking at the five billion invested in it was lost again, Everyone present was crazy.

"Sh*t! What the *ll is going on with this?" Wu Mingrui cursed loudly.

The faces of Qi Donghe, Ma Yufei, and others were naturally not good-looking.

"Vice President Huang, the Lin Group has begun to attack our company's stock." Sun Heyuan suddenly said.

"Hurry up, hurry up, and resist."

"Vice President Huang, we need to invest money."

"Quick, put your money in."

Two hours later, Lin's Group.

[ Cough... cough... cowhide. The loss of more than 20 billion in two hours. Now Chen Ming is about to go to the pawnshop to pawn his pants. It is estimated that the money he brought is almost spent. Not only physically, but also mentally. It's just... miserable. ]

"Yeah! We won."

"Awesome, ahahaha..."

There was a cheer from the entire finance department.

"Everyone, stop and listen to Mr. Lin's speech." Lin Yuman suddenly waved his hand and said. Then everyone including Lin Yuman looked at Lin Yu.

[ This dog thing made me talk again. I'm a dandy... but the atmosphere got here...]

"Everyone, everyone has worked hard today, with a salary increase, a celebration feast, and a bonus." Lin Yu said loudly to the crowd.

The crowd cheered again.

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly received a text message from Leng Tianshuang. "How much did you pay for the home raid?"

[ ???, F*ck, is it really because of Leng Tianshuang? Did she find someone to steal Chen Ming's house? I said something was wrong, could it be the Blood Moon? Yes, it must be the Blood Moon. This woman is amazing, could it be... cough... cough... for the sake of Chen Ming's family, she wouldn't send herself out, would she? ]

Leng Tianshuang exploded. What do you think about your dog's brain all day?

"How did you do it?"

"He Yanyan helped me, and the money was given to her."

[Cowhide... There are more and more good brothers who wear a pair of pants with Chen Ming. This girl, He Yanyan is also having fun. I didn't expect that a supporting role is stronger than the passerby could steal Chen Ming's home. I can't accept it. ]

"One billion! But it has to be paid slowly, and, of course, she can negotiate the price." Lin Yu said.

In these few waves today, the Lin Group has made 20 billion, but that was all invested in the stock market. Cashing out will take time.

"OK." Leng Tianshuang raised her head and motioned for He Yanyan to go out.

"Sister Tianshuang, what's wrong?"

"Lin Yu promised to give you one billion, but it has to be paid slowly, after all, there is no way to withdraw a large number of funds directly."

"How much?!" He Yanyan was stunned.

"A billion, but you deserve it." Leng Tianshuang said.

If there is no He Yanyan, I am afraid that Chen Ming's hundreds of billions of assets will not know when it will be finished. As a result, with He Yanyan, the three financial struggles directly wiped out Chen Ming.

"Thank Lin Yu for me." He Yanyan said with a look of surprise.

One billion is an astronomical number for her. Although she knew that what she did would make Chen Ming lose a lot, but she could not get a penny. Now that she has one billion, she will have no worries for the rest of her life. And what she does is just some of the things she usually does. It's so worth it.

However, in the Mingqi Group, the situation at this time was very bad. After investing a lot of money, in the end, only one or two hundred million funds were left, and the Mingqi Group was able to be preserved. This was also discussed by Lin Yuman and others.

The Blood Moon has helped them so much, and they cannot put them in danger. Of course, a fund of one or two hundred million is not worth mentioning for Mingqi Group.

Wu Mingrui and others were speechless. I couldn't help but feel a sense of retreat. The Lin group is amazing. If it goes on like this, the market value of the Lin Group may exceed the market value of any listed company in Tianhai Province. And this is just a group of the Lin family in Yuncheng. Even the Wu family where Wu Mingrui is located is not easy to say that the Lin family is strong in business.

A group of people stopped talking but walked away in despair. The only thing they are happy about is, fortunately, this company is not your own!

At the same time, in Chen Ming's ward.

"Mr. Chen, according to the statistics of the finance department, this time our company has lost a total of..."

"How much is lost?!" Chen Ming asked coldly.

"The market value has dropped to 35 billion, and the funds have lost more than 50 billion..." Blood Moon said hesitantly, but his heart was already happy. This is the effect he wants.

"Damn! What do I raise you all for?!" Chen Ming was furious.

The 150 billion brought by himself, and now the market value of this 35 billion is left?

"Mr. Chen, it's my fault." Blood Moon said 'quiveringly'.

"You may have just arrived in the country and you are not used to it yet, so you should rest at home for a while." After that, Chen Ming hung up the phone.

Something is wrong, Blood Moon has a problem. Thinking about it, he directly sent the information to Hunting Fox.

"Look for an opportunity to torture the Blood Moon."

Check out my other novel:


'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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