The Alpha of the Crimsoncrest pack

Deimos watched the people dwell in joy and fervor and he was happy to see the enthusiasm his pack mates hold.

He signaled them to disperse and then finally the wolves bowed their heads and transformed into wolf form. Their size began to grow as the wolf like features appeared and eventually they burst into their true wolf form.

The wolves howled in unison and bowing their heads for the one last time, they dispersed. Deimos waited until everyone was gone and then turned back to his uncle.

"Are you not going to join them?" He asked Conrado who had been observing him this whole time.

"It can wait, but first I need you to have this." He answered, then placed a ring in Deimos's extended hand.

Deimos gave a short laugh, "Since when did you begin to bestow gifts Conrado?"

Conrado placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled proudly, "This ring belonged to your father and now its finally time for you to have it. I'm proud of the alpha you have become Deimos. This is not a gift from me, consider it the reward for all you have given to us and all that you dream of bestowing upon the land of Ardolf."

And with that he pulled him into a hug. Conrado never considered Deimos as his nephew or his student. For him he was his son and he put all the efforts to make him reach his destiny.

Tonight when he addressed the wolves like a true alpha, he couldn't help but cry the tears of joy and happiness.

"Look at you getting all sentimental over little things." Deimos joked but he was aware of his emotions as well and he acknowledged them.

"I am thankful for this but I cannot accept it yet. Not until I fulfill this nation's dream." He looked into the distance and recalled everything he had been through to reach this point.

"Till then I hope you keep my father's ring safe with you." He finished.

For Conrado's eyes, Deimos was his nephew but for his heart he had the will and the voice of his late elder brother. Even though he truly wished to give the belonging of his brother to Deimos, he couldn't help but be pleased with Deimos's choice of words.

"Very well then!" He smiled and then took his leave to join the other werewolves.

Now that Deimos was left all alone, he placed his hands on the palisade where he was standing. A flurry of cool and gentle wind hit his face causing his raven black hair to fall on his face and blanket his forehead.

He tilted his head up to look up at the moon and just as he did, his eyes begin to glow even more. Deimos loosened the buttons of his coat. His fangs began to come in view as the seconds passed. It was time and it couldn't be avoided any longer. He had to go through the transformation as the peak of the moon neared.

There was a legend in the land according to which centuries ago, when humans first began to inhabit the earth by multiplying and learning new things, there were no wars and no feuds between people. It was the time, when Gods and Goddesses walked on the earth amidst people and helped people whenever necessary.

It was during this time when a man fell into the bad books of the Goddess of moon, and livid as she was she cursed him and his entire family turning all of them into wolves. The curse was not permanent and they turned back into humans. But from that day onwards people stopped fraternizing with them and drove them away from their residing place, fearing that someday the cursed beastlike creatures would kill them.

On a full moon night, the family would undergo a painful transformation and turn into werewolves while a few of the brave men would protect the colonies of humans to keep them from killing their families. And that's how the story of werewolves and hunters began with an emerging hatred and bloodlust for one another.

Deimos jumped off from the open balcony. He could feel his heartbeat grow louder and his blood pushing swiftly through his veins. His body felt like it was going to explode any second. He crouched on the ground on his fours and waited for the rush to take over his senses.

His transformation began with his bones cracking as they stretched and finally enlarged attaining a wolf like structure. A few of his prominent features began to turn as well. His fangs were already in view and his eyes were raging with red color now. As this occurred, his hands and feet turned into huge claws and then he finally burst into his true form.

Deimos's wolf form was unlike the others of his nation. He had a thick raven black fur all over his body with penetrating crimson eyes that seemed to end their enemy just by sight and his structure was several figures larger than the others of his pack, after all he was their alpha.


how do you like the Alpha? comment down to let me!! I'm also up for suggestions so drop them whenever you guys feel like❤