Magic potion

On his balcony, Deimos stood alone in the dark of the night, listening to the approaching footsteps. He could always tell who it was with the way a person walked. 

In his hand was a glass partially filled with wine. When the footsteps were close, he stirred the wine, the red liquid moved gently with the jerk and then he sipped it all at once. A smile appeared on his face seemingly telling he enjoyed his drink.

"Conrado!" He said without turning back. "I was anticipating your arrival." 

Conrado smiled as he said, "Time for the magical potion!"

He then gave him the bowl he was holding in his hands. The bowl had some liquid in it which gave a silvery gleam. Deimos brought the bowl near his mouth and emptied its content. 

He shut his eyes tightly as he gulped it down as if the contents of the liquid caused him discomfort.