Regret, Guilt and Strategies


As soon as the guard finished reading the scroll, Hendrickson scurried over to the decapacitated head of the man who brought the scroll. He turned it over with his foot to check his face and he realized it was indeed the spy he had sent over to the kingdom of Ardolf to gather intel. 

Exasperated, he threw his sword away and then kicked the head of the spy called Austin away. Austin was indeed the best spy from the Kingdom of Santok and he was personally sent by Hendrickson himself.

Realizing he himself erased all the traces of intel which Austin had collected for him, he wanted to scream and just wipe away all the werewolves from earth. But a decision made in anger is a decision made wrong and he learnt it the hard way. 

"That so called Alpha is going to regret his actions deeply." He balled his fists as he spoke. 

"I warned you before not to make any rapid decisions." Themisto reminded.