Prussian Blue scroll

And then he followed the man to wherever he went. Aldrich would peek into every room the man was locking but none of them seemed like an important scroll would be placed inside them. He was getting impatient to get the scroll before anyone else. 

The old man was slow at his work and that was continuously annoying him. He wished if could just take the keys from him and get done with it already but it would only cause him trouble so he waited. 

When they locked the last door and the old man finally decided to walk his own way, Aldrich stealthily snatched the keys from his pocket and hid them inside his. He fled from the place as fast as he could so the old man could not come behind him. 

Now the only thing left for him to do was find the meeting room so he could get the scroll and be on his way. For a while he stood in the hallway against a wall pretending to be guarding the place when in reality, he was just devising a strategy in his head.