Rift Cube anomaly

"So you really want to know."

To this Cree looked at her with a serious expression. Claire sighed soon after, before walking up to him.

"When you were fighting the Leading undead it was clear that you were about to die, however you saved yourself by dragging Maverick in front of you. Something that I never expected you to do in a million years. I have to say I was quite impressed."

Cree widened his eyes in surprise as he turned the other way. He already knew this was the case, but he just wanted to confirm this from Claire.

"I have seen cases where the change to a world affects the species that live their. In your case, I would say I haven't seen one where a person developed an alternate personality to achieve whatever goal they had in mind," Claire added.

'Alternate personality? Does this mean the other version of me with the red eyes was...real?'

The stomps to the ground grew louder until eventually a huge monster came out of the door. A dragon like beast stared down Cree from afar causing instant shivers to run down his spine. This creature was a warrior looking reptile which was as large as a bulldozer. The creature wore some kind of animal skin on it's waist side. In it's hands were a large axe and blade, with a chain wrapped from it's shoulder to waist side.

"What!? A level 30 Lizard man with the class dual wielder, in a place like this?" Claire saying so surprised only caused Cree to panick all the more.

Taking a few steps back, Cree thought about how he could take such a beast down. The only thing he found out was that it was impossible. There was no way someone of his level was going to take down something like that.

"I can't defeat something like that!"

"Have you forgotten the reason you came here already?," Claire questioned him with her eyebrow raised high. "If you give up here, Callum will never come back."

Cree could tell right away that she was trying to use Callum as a cause for him to fight for. That was not a reason for him to ignore it though, as he knew that this was really the case.

"Use everything you have acquired so far. Who knows you might just be able to defeat this creature."

'Callum...' Cree thought in his mind as he looked at the lizard man slowly approaching him.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the Hell hound he had killed not too long ago. Remembering that Claire was surprised to see something like that in the Rift cube, he proceeded to ask her a question.

"Claire, can you see that creature's stats?"

"Actually, I can," she had a smug look on her face in a second.

Taking a brief look at the Abstract, Claire turned back to him and gave him a run down on what she saw.

"When it comes to strength, stamina and mana, it outclasses you by far. Though surprisingly you are faster than this creature by seven points."

It was just as he expected. The Rift cube had only brought out those creatures in order to give him an advantage in speed. Just then a smile crept on Cree's face as he realized that he actually had a chance to kill this creature.

Focusing on his environment, Cree activated his skill echolocation to scan his environment for weak spots in the ground. It didn't take to long before he found some Hollow spots in this cave like structure.

Dashing towards the towering Abstract which was now close to him, Cree prepared to go on the offensive. The Lizard man refusing to let things go his way gave out a battle cry as it activated a skill. Bringing it's arms together and acting like it was embracing itself, the creature shot out several red colored spikes from it's body.

[Creature of higher level detected]

[Speed will now be ×1.5]

With his now increased speed, Cree easily avoided these and closed the gap even further. Seeing it was in a bad position, the Abstract swung it's weapons at him wildly. Evading with his superior speed, Cree moved backwards at a calculated pace, leading the Abstract into his trap.

The huge Lizard man moving with killing intent, got it's leg lodged into the ground just as Cree had planned. He knew that something as heavy as the Lizard man would make weak spots in the dungeon fall in. Dodging more slashs from beast, he jumped high yanking off the chain wrapped around it's body.


The creature gave a loud hiss making it clear that it was pissed off by what he did. Cree did not care though as he would proceed to hurl the chain around it's neck. Dragging with all of his strength, he intended to choke this beast to death only for it to drop it's weapons and decimate the chain with it's hands.

Moving forward with plan B, Cree sprinted over and grabbed it's sword to finish the job. Kicking away it's axe and proceeding to commence with his attack, he was quickly caught by an elbow to the face from the giant. A move that would have killed him on the spot if not for the changes to his body.

The attack resulted in him tossing the weapon he acquired earlier, a distance away. Cree fell to the ground feeling an odd sensation in his head as he bled out of his nose and mouth. One thing was certain at that moment, and that was the fact that he had no idea what was going on.

Seeing an opening, the Lizard man proceeded to pummel him into the ground with it's fist. This was not just a connection to the body by two or three punch's, but a continuous onslaught of blows to the body.

This ultimately left Cree on the floor with injuries bleeding out and broken bones. With him being rendered immobile, the Lizard man walked over to it's sword on the ground. Claire observing Cree realized that he was still breathing, something that had to be nothing but a miracle.

"Come on Cree! Get up! I thought you were going to save Callum no matter what. If you die here that is never going to happen," Claire did her best to motivate him. "Do it for him..and my entertainment."

Cree already knew deep down that she did not give a shit about his well being or how he felt. All she cared about was her entertainment, heck he still knew little about her.

The pain running through his body felt unreal. Nothing but the urge to give up ran through him, however 'he' did not let that happen. The alternate personality of Cree ran into his body at that moment, powering him to keep on going. Something that should have been impossible for any human. Claire who was by the side could not help but smirk as she saw this.

Picking up it's weapon from the floor, the Lizard man turned around only to see a beat up Cree barely on his feet, with his one good eye glowing red. This did not intimidate it in any way as it gave a loud battle cry.

This willed up version of Cree walked over to the axe he had kicked away, picking it up to fight.

"Come at me you dumb Lizard!"

Feeling insulted, the Lizard man charged at him not holding anything back. It did not delay any time in trying to land a finishing blow as it aimed for his head. Cree evaded this attack barely before attempting an attack of his own.

In that instant, the Lizard's skin turned red causing the axe to break on it's body as it made contact. Cree acknowledged that this was a skill straight away, however he proceeded to grab a piece of the axe, stabbing it in the eye.


The Abstract screamed and struggled in pain, but Cree did not delay any time as he knocked the piece in even further, the moment he got the opportunity to do so. It fell down afterwards, squirming in a weak manner.

Having an opportunity of his own, Cree picked the sword it dropped and drove it through it's skull, ending the battle.

[Level 30 Lizard man (Dual wielder) defeated]

[You have successfully reached level 6]

[You have successfully reached level 7]

[You have successfully reached level 8]

[You have successfully reached level 9]

[You have successfully reached level 10]

[5 points have been added to all stats]

Just then the alternate personality left his body, relieving him of the strength he had earlier. Falling flat on his face, Cree crawled to the blood gushing from the Lizard man's head. Upon reaching his goal he began to consume the blood oozing in front of him.

Claire who watched the battle could not help but feel like this battle was too easy. This creature had not once used any of the dangerous skills it possessed.

'Did the Rift cube let him win on purpose? But why?' Claire pondered.

All of a sudden the liquid by the side of the cave came together forming a small cube that levitated in front of him. At this point, Cree's body was going through some changes as a result of consuming the Lizard man's blood.

Remembering that the cube gave one power based on their will and desire, some words ran through his mind before making contact.

'I will bring back Callum no matter what.'

Just then, the cube shone brightly consuming Cree as his body mutated into something beyond humanity even more, ultimately giving him the power he desired so much.