Food crisis

About an hour had passed and most of the soldiers in the camp had come together. The concern was nothing else but the lack of food supplies due to the incident that had happened some time ago.

Reeves who was present in this meeting along with his girlfriend could not help but notice the face she had on. It was obvious that she did not like what was going on one bit, but they didn't really have a choice at the moment. As for those who were unaware of what was going on, they could not help but be wary because of the tense atmosphere.

A total of forty soldiers were counted in this meeting. Not wanting to delay anymore time, Reeves began the meeting.

"I don't want to keep any of you waiting in the slightest so I am going to get right to the point. An Abstract incident had happened sometime ago in this camp. Don't worry, civilians in the camp are unaware. Those that do know are being watched to avoid the information from spreading."

To this, the people in the room who were in the dark until now could not help but gasp in surprise. They had been here for sometime and nothing of this sort had ever happened.

Most people in the camp were unaware of what Abstracts were, but thanks to those with systems they were made very much aware. Now because of this, when the name was mentioned everyone felt uncomfortable.

"As a result of this we have lost some percentage of food in the camp.."

"How much of a percentage of food?" A soldier among them asked full of curiosity.

"We have lost about 95% of the food in our possession.. I doubt we would live for long if we don't do something about it now," Reeves explained.

"But sir.. what are we supposed to do? We have already acquired food from majority of the green zones in the environment," a soldier named Luke said in dismay.

According to the statistics of the area provided by Reeves and some veteran soliders, certain areas had been green zoned, yellow zoned and red zoned. The green were those areas where weak or no Abstracts could be found. The yellow being areas of greater risk of encountering dangerous monsters and the red being the place were dangerous and powerful monsters dwelled.

Majority of the soldiers always hoped they wouldn't have to go to the yellow or red zones any time soon, as many of them were still in level 4 or 5, with the lowest being in level 1 and highest being in level 7. As of the moment, Reeves was the strongest among them, being in level 15. Funnily enough, no one in the camp was even close to this level.

"We will just have to enter the yellow zone to search for food.. If needed we will enter the red," Reeves answered without any form of hindrance.

All of them in the room upon hearing this widened their eyes, it wasn't really something to be surprised about as it was expected, however they were well aware of the dangers.

They weren't able to defeat a level 1 Abstract talk more of a level 10 monster. This caused the soldiers to shiver at the thought of going to those zones. The place turned quiet for awhile until Reeves opened his mouth to speak once again.

"I am well aware that this mission is dangerous, that is why I have something to say. Not everyone is going on this mission, only those that agree to participate will be going with me. If no one agrees to go, I will move alone..."

"Reeves, what are you saying?" Lacey asked perplexed.

"I am only saying things as they are. Besides if no one comes along, things will be a whole lot easier," he completed with a cocky smile. "So who is going with me?"

The place was silent once again as the ex soldier awaited volunteers. It felt like a minute before Henry rose his hand, accepting to go on this dangerous mission as well. After the bravery soon by him, few other soldiers rose their hands in agreement, however this was still in the minority.

"If we are going to die, we might as well do it killing some fucking Abstracts!" A veteran solider named John, who had volunteered voiced out.

To this the men would laugh to relieve themselves from the immense pressure they felt. They couldn't really be blamed for doing something like this.

"I will go too," Lacey shared with a determined face.

Even though she never went on any missions with the rest of the soldiers, they were not surprised to hear this as she was skilled herself. To add up to it, she had a system and was in level 5 as of current. She was more than qualified for the mission.

"No you can't," Reeves refused immediately.

"Why not?"

"Because I need someone to watch over all the affairs of the base. In short, I will leave you in charge. Make sure that the reminding soldiers carry their jobs out properly."

Lacey sighed out audibly before nodding her head in a slow controlled manner. It was clear she was unhappy with this, but there wasn't much they could do about it in the first place.

"Okay men! Let's move! There is no time to waste!"

The soldiers upon hearing this followed Reeves words and proceeded to follow suit. This left him with his girlfriend, alone.

"I won't say anything much. Just make sure that you come back home safe."

"Don't worry I will be fine," Reeves said planting a kiss on her cheek.

After this he came out of the building with heightened determination. Determination to come back alive and to also find his daughter who was still out there, if possible.

The soldiers prepared two armored cars with guns and other weapons for the task ahead. With a total of twelve soldiers, Reeves felt like they could handle whatever would come their way, with the help of teamwork that is.

Prepared for the mission, the soldiers drove off as the people of the base waved their hands, wishing them the best of luck.