
After resting for an hour, Anna finally got the permission to leave.

Instead of her room, Anna walked to the commander's room while remembering what Evan said earlier.

"He is probably waiting near the commander's room since you're going to receive the rewards together. Rather than going back to your room to rest and fix your appearance, you should visit the commander as soon as possible."

She received a spare uniform from Evan and changed into it before going to meet Noel. As Evan said earlier, she saw Noel in the corridor leading to the commander's room.

His eyes were closed as though he was sleeping. However, Anna noticed the Spiritual Energy around him, signifying the connection between Noel and his spirit.

Instead of calling him, she simply sat next to him and waited until Noel finished. His connection lasted for ten minutes and Noel immediately picked up the presence next to him.

"So, you've come." Noel glanced at her as if checking her condition.