
"Since we're running instead of riding a horse, the journey will take at least a day longer. I guess we need to focus on our speed as well as the time limit," said Anna while stretching her body.

"Yeah. And we've this luggage." Noel glanced back. Since they were going to have a journey on their own later, they brought their own tent and tools. So, their luggage weighed the same.

"Indeed. Let's go then." Anna smirked, looking at the horizon.

Noel nodded as the two started running to their destination.

This was the first time Noel and Anna ran for such a long journey. Even in the past life, Anna rode a horse or carriage when traveling this far.

So, it was quite surprising to see Noel pushing himself this far.

'No wonder he could grow stronger that fast in the past life. His dedication toward training is something to be praised of. The more I am with him, the more I learn how he behaved in the past.' Anna thought while running.