Hope (1)

Now that he had finished eliminating the threat, he turned to the women. "Please wait here for a bit. There should be some clothes that you can use. I'll bring you to the nearby village."

Some of them were shaking in fear. The trauma of living in this hell almost made her collapse. Some even let out a shrill while crying.

However, he could see some of the strong ones. They gritted their teeth and even lowered their heads, thanking him.

'I have never thought about this, but commoners' lives are so easy to be destroyed. Bandits can even do this and even if I can save them here, they'll experience the trauma… The noble can experience the same thing, but they have the money and prestige to avoid most of the attempts. But it's different from commoners…'

Looking at their state, Noel wondered about one thing. 'Have I actually saved them? There bound to be someone who thinks death is mercy.'