New Mission

'Ugh, I'm not planning to get entangled into any problem, but to think I would meet a bandit group like this.' Noel thought while glancing at the demons inside the cage. 'Still, it seems that Anna is telling the truth. I want to suspect her for being connected to the Devil Supreme Organization, but I don't have any proof.

'Still, the fact that the method of controlling the demons are spread to the bandits, I don't think this is something I can handle. The mastermind would most likely be far stronger than me, so I'll just handle only the bandits, not the investigation of this incident.' Noel thought while jumping back, trying to gain some distance from the bandits.

At the same time, Noel wanted to use this chance to approach this merchant group.

However, it seemed that their group couldn't contain their calms when they saw the demons raging in the cage.


"How come there are demons?"