
"Hu…" Noel took a deep breath after killing the last beaver. In this second day, Noel could see that the dam had half destroyed and the water only had a third of its original volume. If he continued working this way, they could wrap everything up by tomorrow.

The longer he waited, the lesser the beaver demon that came to him too, so he expected that he would be able to find every single one of them tomorrow.

Eventually, the time had passed and Noel didn't find a single beaver demon during the third day. But to his surprise, the farmer, who was injured, still tagged along to fetch some water. But this time, he was accompanied by another muscular man that was tasked to get the water. It seemed he was adamant to visit Noel just to check his condition.

And he was the one who had been bringing him food so that Noel didn't feel hungry in the past three days.