
"Keep at it!" Roel shouted.

"Yes!" Noel replied while jumping to the side. He poured the Spiritual Energy into the sword but thought that the sword was actually a short sword, so that when he poured the Spiritual Energy, the Spiritual Energy would only cover half of the sword.

With a Spiritual Energy like this, he would have an easier time to defend himself in that area.

The mineral demon jumped to him, so Noel struck the demon with the lower part of the blade where the Spiritual Energy was concentrated.

To his surprise, the dent this time was as deep as when he used Mega Slash even though Sword Aura couldn't contend against his Mega Slash in terms of destructive power.

Seeing such a dent on the demon made him excited. He couldn't help but imagine the time he could use the Mega Slash with that kind of pinpoint Spiritual Energy. The offensive power would skyrocketed in that area, allowing him to destroy his opponent.