
"That's what I believe as well. This is the reason I tell you about it. I am sure that the letter about the message has arrived, right?"

"Yes. I still can't believe it, but I have made an investigation team. They're already heading there, so I guess we can confirm it." Shale nodded with a serious expression.

Even though Shale couldn't believe it, he still acted according to the procedure. He made sure that the investigation team was formed and sent them on this mission.

"I have reported it to the commander as well, but he wants me to take care of it." Shale let out a long sigh.

"I believe this matter is bigger than you think." Anna added. She knew how much the destruction this matter would cause, so she couldn't afford to let the same thing happening again. She said, "You need to have the commander act on this matter personally. I'm afraid that it's going to be a big problem for the Demon Banner Army because we'll be finding this kind of mission appearing sooner or later."