Moon Goddess

The Saintess didn't know where she had gone wrong. To think that the people couldn't even trust her the slightest bit.

'What have I done wrong? I just wanted to save them and protect them. The reason I made a Moon Temple here was because they were a city that was suffering due to the demon's siege. I immediately rushed to help them. I even brought four knight divisions.

'Everything I did was for their sake. But why? Why could they not trust me? Please believe me that me leaving this place is for the sake of defeating the demon who causes all this mess, not to save my own life.'

The Saintess' body was trembling because of the shock she received.

Even her faith was shaken for a split second. And it was also the same time she strengthened her faith.

'No, the Moon Goddess is not wrong. She, who can only work during the night, has been helping the people during their sleep. It's a thankless job but that's what my intention is this whole time.