



The demons were roaring to scare them off, but Anna only clicked her tongue and swung her blade, releasing another lightning to the surrounding. "Shut up and die!"

She soon noticed there was a huge sword in front of her. The sword fell down but in a diagonal way, causing the body to tilt to the side.

This was Noel's Sword Fall and with the way its body leaning, she understood what he intended too.

Without hesitation, Anna stepped on the sword's body and climbed it. The sword was tall enough to surpass many demons' height, so when she was at the top, she had nothing to fear.

Four Points Circulation.

She released the energy on her feet, using the power to jump higher than any demons as they leaped past the demons.

However, Noel seemed to miscalculate one thing.

When they flew in the sky, a volley of Spiritual Energy suddenly rained them down as if preventing them to escape.