
The next day. 

Noel returned to Shale with all his equipment. This time, he also brought the book with him so that Septa didn't find it. This was a perfect opportunity to buy some time from Septa, lessening the suspicion.

Noel looked at Shale and asked, "Sir Shale. Do you have any mission in a neighboring kingdom or something near that place?" 

"Hmm? Neighboring Kingdom? Our Demon Banner Army doesn't stretch that far. We are only here to protect our kingdom, not the others."

"If that's the case, is there a mission near the border?"

"Whose border you're talking about?"

"Greenwood Kingdom's border."

"Greenwood?" Shale raised his eyebrows in surprise, never expecting Noel to leave the country. 


"Well, let me take a look first." Shale narrowed his eyes and started skimming the missions in the catalog. It was a surprise that there was actually one mission from that far away. "Is this what you want?"