
The spider leaped forward, trying to kill her with its long sharp leg. However, the spider noticed something different in its body.

Anna smirked when she saw the spider's direction slightly turn to the left, even though it wanted to go straight to her. This was the effect of her Spirit Ability she released earlier.

She electrocuted everything inside two out of eight spider legs, causing the spider to have numb legs. With this, the spider wouldn't be able to walk straight for a while.

Without hesitation, Anna rushed to the weaker side and waved her blade, releasing crescent-shaped lightning.

The lightning ran through the ground, approaching the spider from the side.

The spider immediately turned around and opened its mouth, spurting out a green-colored liquid. When the liquid touched the lightning, it melted the lightning, making it dissolve completely.

After that, the spider spat another lump of poison toward Anna.