
"What?!" Anna widened her eyes in shock because the illusion had begun to control Noel. She clicked her tongue and started parrying Noel's relentless attack.

The clicking sound produced by the two swords kept echoing inside the tunnel. Noel's eyes were bloodshot even though his focus wasn't there. She could feel the hatred in Noel's eyes.

To her surprise, the hatred was actually similar to what she felt during the first time they met when Noel attacked her without thinking.

She was shocked because she had done all the things she could to diminish the hatred in his heart. But when she realized everything she did actually had no impact to him, she wondered whether she could really do it. 

'Is this the reality? His hatred is at the same level as back then… Did I not change anything within him? Are we fated to be fighting each other until only one side is standing?' Anna's mind started to fall into despair.