Sneaking In

"Go." A small whisper filled the silent night as a pair of people stood next to the wall, ready to climb it. As expected of a city built in a safe place, there wasn't even a ditch for basic fortification. 

Both of them gathered their Spiritual Energy in their feet as they jumped as high as they could.

Even though the wall wasn't that tall, it was impossible for them to reach the wall in a single leap. Hence, one of them raised both hands while the other ones placed their feet on them, using the hands as stepping for the second leap.

Still, they were tied by a long rope. The second leap was enough to reach the top of the wall, but because of the rope, the one at the bottom was stuck hanging.

The one at the top immediately pulled the other one up until both of them reached the top of the wall.

They ducked down while looking around, finding the pair of the patrol would take a long time to get to them.