

When hearing that tone filled with frustration, sadness, and helplessness, Noel was stunned. This might be the first time Anna actually let go of her emotion. Whenever she did it, Anna would always brush that matter off. 

Noel would also do the same, but there was an instance where he let go of that emotion. It was in the Sword Saint Tomb. It might also be the trigger for Anna.

"…" Noel looked at Anna, whose head was resting on his chest. He let out a sigh and gradually reached for her hand. His right hand grabbed the blade while his other hand gently assured Anna's hand to let it go. 

After letting out her emotion, Anna just felt tired and didn't think much about his action. She let go of the sword and Noel used the chance to place the sword on the shelf so that there would be no dangerous action could be taken.