
A blond woman came to meet Noel. She politely nodded her head and said, "Welcome, Customer. Thank you for choosing me. My name is Melia. I'll bring you to your room." 

Noel nodded with a calm expression and walked together with Melia. Of course, he remembered what happened earlier when the woman that escorted him inside actually whispered something to the receptionist. 

Normally, the girls outside wouldn't be that sharp unless they were wary about something. Hence, this brothel was as suspicious as it could be. 

Noel didn't show it on his face, but he would be suspicious of everything that this Melia would give him next.

Melia led Noel to the room on the second floor. The room was small as it only had one purpose. There was only a bed and a drawer for everything they needed to use. 

Still, Noel's eyes were glued to the window as he looked around suspiciously.