Building a House

The group entered the village that seemed to be in the middle of reconstruction. It seemed the village was badly damaged by the demons from the earlier attack and the Demon Relief Squad helped them in dealing with all their problems.

"Oh, Stella and the group. Are you going to help us today?" One of the villagers came to them with a smile on his face. 

"Of course. We'll make sure your village can function like usual soon." She pumped her fists and assured the man with her energetic tone.

From the way Noel observed them, Stella seemed to be the pillar of emotional support for the people.

Meanwhile, Rose came over and said, "For the time being, we should help with the house over there." 

"Oh, let's go then!" Paul nodded with an excited expression. 

The group nodded while Stella said, "You two can watch how we work first to see if you can do the same thing or not."