Hidden Message

'You mean the affection medal can see all beings' affections?'

[As long as they're alive.]

'This…' Noel sucked a cold breath because he knew the importance of such a thing. If he could see all living things' affection, it meant he could see the intention of the demons, the animals, and even plants.

With this Affection Medal, he could even differentiate which tree was a hidden demon. In fact, he was satisfied with the plants alone since it was hard to differentiate a normal tree and a demon tree in a forest. He often got ambushed by them, making this medal even more powerful.

But there was something he feared from this medal. With this medal, he could see someone's affection. It was fine if he just looked at strangers. But it would be a different case if they were close to him.

It would be terrifying to know if he could see his wife's affection, which turned out she actually hated him, it would truly scare him for life.