
"Hurry up. Where is it?" Jonathan asked while scrambling through the piles of items they had in their carriage.

"It should be in the first carriage. Since we haven't used it before, we shouldn't have moved it." Ben also helped him but to no avail.

They were gritting their teeth since they didn't have a lot of time. There would be something happening soon, so they had to call the two captains as soon as possible.

But no matter how hard they searched for it, they couldn't find this item.

"Where is the item?" Ben gritted his teeth, starting to become frustrated.

"I also want to know that answer." Jonathan bit his lips. "How about searching for the second carriage?"

"Alright. You, too, should bring out all these items to make it easier for us to find them."

Jonathan and Ben reached an agreement. While Ben ran to the second carriage, Jonathan used his Telekinesis to bring out all the items.