
Paul glanced at his group before saying, "You'll be with me for the time being. Follow me and learn about what we're doing. If you don't understand anything, don't hesitate to ask. We'll do our best to explain it to you."

"Understood." Noel nodded with a serious expression.

"Since you've known about it, I welcome you to the Zero Squad, Iadre." Paul extended his hand. The reception was slightly different than previously, but considering what happened during the last mission, he could understand why they wanted to get some distance from him.

They didn't want to be hurt in case an accident happened again. Just like Noel, Iadre was also targeted by people.

So, Noel could feel they were treating him as a teammate, not a friend or family.

Although he deserved it, Noel still felt a bit sad and angry at himself for even using that plan.

Noel shook Paul's hand with a smile. "Yes. Thank you for welcoming me. I hope I can learn a lot from you."